
Tuesday, August 25, 2020

Still Growing

Compared to our days often filled with leisure, today was a hectic one. Luke had his 6 year old wellness check (almost 6 months late) in which he lied in response to most questions (eg: Q.. Do you run and play outside? A.. No. Not really. I don't have a heart) and was too truthful for others (Q.. Do you brush your teeth? A.. Yes, but not in the mornings. Unless I'm going to the dentist). 


Brooke finally got one of her FIVE LOOSE TEETH out, which was a bit of a bloody mess. It fell out mid lunch and she spit her bloody tooth onto the spoon rest and her bloody sandwich into the trash. I couldn't even clean it. Hope the Tooth Fairy doesn't deduct for the mess of a tooth she left tonight!
Despite the stagnant nature of life lately, the kids continue to grow. They've gotten substantially taller since quarantine, lost some teeth, and gained a new skill or two. That's a lot more than can be said for the the grownups they're living with 😉