
Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Small update

Baby Schneider appears to have lost interest in hanging out and is
scheduled for an early arrival. Jeff & I have been at the hospital for
4 hours now and are playing the waiting game :). I'll post info when I

Friday, September 26, 2008

At Least The Furniture Is Coming...

38-week doctors apt today. Unfortunately I had to wait forever in the waiting-room, then in the doctor's office ... just to be told I had to keep waiting for Baby Schneider :) Pregnancy loses its novelty after a while (at 38 weeks is been long gone) and the waiting game gets boring and tiresome.

Thankfully I got the good news about the furniture delivery so I have a reason why waiting for Baby Schneider is not so bad! I would rather have the furniture arrive 1st, and after it gets here there are a few other things I wanted to go get. I was hoping to get the furniture in first so I could see how it all fits, and one of the things I want to get I needed a piece of the new furniture to use for color matching. Just trying to keep a postive outlook on the waiting game.

On a better note, I have dinner plans with some girlfriends as a bit of a celebration. We recently started this (guess its becoming a new tradition) as a way to get together with the girls before a new baby takes over. After a friend has a new baby she generally disappears for 6 (or more) weeks, so we try to squeeze in all the quality time we can before that happens. Guess now its my turn to get my "last night out"!

Thursday, September 25, 2008

Furniture Delivery Scheduled!

I talked to the furniture store and my whole order is in (of course, I was "just about to be called" but once again I was the one to contact them). I scheduled delivery for Monday! I can't believe we are finally going to have some furniture in that room after 16 weeks of waiting ... and just in the nick of time too.

Wednesday, September 24, 2008

38 Weeks

Ok, we are at the official point of pregnancy when it becomes a waiting game. The baby can come at any time - but it also doesnt have to come any time soon. Basically, they randomly decide when they feel its a good time to make their grand appearance. So in the meantime, Jeff and I just wait. We are ready whenever you are Baby Schneider!
The Baby @ 38 Weeks
Length: 19.61 inches
Weight: 6.8 Pounds
Baby Schneider continues to "plump up", has a firm grasp and mature organs ready for life on the outside. One thing that is not for certain is Baby Schneiders eye color - brown eyes are likely to stay brown, but if Baby Schneider is born with steel gray or dark blue eyes, they may stay gray or blue or turn green, hazel, or brown over the first 9 months. According to babycenter, "that's because a child's irises (the colored part of the eye) may gain more pigment in the months after she's born, but they usually won't get "lighter" or more blue. (Green, hazel, and brown eyes have more pigment than gray or blue eyes.)"

Me @ 38 Weeks
I think is trying to tick me off. This is what they say about this week: "By now you're probably putting the finishing touches on your little one's nursery and making sure his layette is ready for his arrival". Thats funny - since we dont have any furniture for the nursery, thus havent started on it. And since we dont know Baby Schneiders gender, we havent really gotten any clothes either. Thanks for rubbing it in! But...we do have hope!

Babycenter suggests that now is the time to switch reading gears from pregnancy to baby because time is sparse after the baby's born, I should learn all I can about the first few weeks now. Sounds like a good project for Jeff, doesnt it? :)

Tuesday, September 23, 2008

It's A Miracle!

I called my furniture store and they were in the process of unloading a delivery truck - 2 out of the 3 pieces are on the truck, and the delivery sheet says the other piece is due on Thursday. They will call me on Thursday (as long as that last piece shows up) and schedule delivery to my house. So, if Baby Schneider is patient and waits at least one more week ... we will actually have some furniture in the room! Yay!

Monday, September 22, 2008

Welcome Back Charlie

It's been a bit since I have gotten a Charlie Horse and I thought I was in the clear. I had myself fooled because this past weekend will go down as the "Weekend of the Charlie Horse".

Saturday night I had three (YES, THREE) of them in my left calf during the night. To top that off, for some reason my left shin also has been hurting. So while I was trying to relieve the pain from the calf in my left leg, I had to also battle the pain in my shin. That was fun.

Then last night I had a real good one in my right leg. Normally I can diffuse them pretty fast but this one kept getting stronger. I finally had to hop out of bed and try to work it out, all the while trying to stifle a scream. Apparently I didnt do that very well because I woke up Jeff (who is a very hard sleeper). From my crying and wincing and jumping, he probably thought I was going into labor ... but alas I had to inform him I was purely enjoying the joy of another Charlie Horse.

Yesterday we went to the Bears Game and it was really hot - there is a possibility I was dehydrated and that led to the cramp. But, I also know they often say its a potassium deficiency ... so if I can get myself out of the house today I am going to get some bananas. Then I think I will eat about 20 of them so that this never happens again :(

Friday, September 19, 2008

Another Doctor Visit, Baby Still Happy :(

Today was my week 37 doctors apt. Again, I was in and out in a flash. Jeff got to come with me today and I am sure he was just thrilled by all of the excitement my appointments contain :) The last visit he came to was an ultrasound, which is much more exciting than watching me get weighed, poked and prodded.

My Group B Strep test came out negative, which is a good thing. Means I dont need any antibiotics during delivery (just one less thing to worry about). As usual, baby is doing fine ... still happy to be right where he/she is and no signs that we will be seeing Baby Schneider any time soon.

After the visit, Jeff and I celebrated with some McDonalds. I hope that Baby Schneider doesnt get too spoiled with all of the fine dining we do :) If the first words are "I'm Lovin' It" then I think we have a problem.

Thursday, September 18, 2008

When A Happy Baby Is A Bad Thing

Yesterday in my yoga class there were three women who were 39-weeks. None of them had any signs of progression ... though a baby could come at any time, they werent any closer than they had been in previous weeks.

One of the women, my friend Kim, was told by her doctor that it looked like the baby wasnt interested in joining the real world. On Monday she has an appointment (it will be her 40-week apt) and if the situation is still the same they are scheduling an induction date.

While its great all of these babies are so happy in their current environments, their stays are beginning to become a bit too lengthy. We all want a happy, healthy pregnancy - but we also dont want it to last any longer than is has to :)

I just want to wish all of these ladies good luck in the next week or so ... and hope that Baby Schneider is at least a bit uncomfortable and unhappy and thus will decide not to stay beyond his/her welcome!

Wednesday, September 17, 2008

37 Weeks

Looks like I am pretty much done gaining weight ... I have been wavering around the same weight for the past month. Guess that means I am just going to spent the next few weeks sitting around and waiting :) I did go get a massage last week, and yesterday I got a haircut. Next week I plan to get a manicure and pedicure. I am assuming that each of these appointments will be my last for a while, so I am trying to push them as close to the due date as possible. Again, if Baby Schneider doesnt cooperate, its possible another massage and mani/pedi might be in order! Me @ 37 Weeks
At this point my pregnancy is considered "full term". Basically, that means if I go into labor nothing will be done to stop it. Prior to 37 weeks, doctors often medically intervene if labor begins - to try to give the baby a bit more time to develop.

The Baby @ 37 Weeks
Height: 19.13 inches
Weight: 6.3 Pounds
At this point Baby Schneider can grasp an object with his or her fingers, called the palmar grasp reflex. Time is spent just hanging out: practicing breathing (though breathing amniotic fluid), sucking his/her thumb, blinking and pivoting from side to side :)

Tuesday, September 16, 2008

The Lazy Woman's Guide to Nesting

During the end of a pregnancy, woman often enter what many call the "nesting phase". Generally, nesting involves getting the home ready for the new baby. This can involve anything from general organizing or stocking up on supplies (both household & baby) to a full-scale top-to-bottom household cleaning.

I guess I have the nesting instinct, as I feel the desire to have the house ready for when the baby arrives. But I dont have the drive to do the actual nesting. So what can someone do who wants a nice nest but doesnt want to do the work? Perhaps I have a few tips:

1) Avoiding Starvation
The first week(s) with a new baby are challenging. Most new parents find that they dont have the time or desire to cook, but yet they need to eat! I contacted Dinner By Design. On the way home from the hospital Jeff and I can pull up to the curb and pick up a weeks worth of meals - all ready to go!

2) Cleaning the house
Why spend all of my precious energy cleaning when someone else can do it for me? We brought in a cleaning service that cleaned our house spotless. It looks great, I didnt exert any effort, and I officially feel like its clean enough for Baby Schneider.

3) Stocking Up on Baby Stuff
We have most of the little things we might need, but are missing one major thing - the furniture! Easiest way to handle that? Close the door to the baby's room and just ignore it. For now, that problem doesnt exist.

Friday, September 12, 2008

Dr Visit - Group B Streptococcus

Today was my first "weekly" doctor visit and the last of my rotation through the practice. I have met all 4 women and like them all, so rotating was a good thing. If I hadnt liked one (or more!) I might have been a bit more leery about the weeks to come.

As usual, all is good. Baby is doing well and appears to be happy right where he/she is - no signs at all that I am anywhere near delivering. While I am glad that the baby is happy, I do hope that he/she is aware that the lease is up October 8th and after that point I will be much less of a happy customer.

The primary thing the doctor did today was test for Group B Streptococcus (GBS). Dawn, now that you're just a few weeks away from delivering your beautiful baby, The GBS bacteria live in 15 to 40 percent of otherwise healthy adult women and can harm the baby if he or she comes into contact with them during birth. Next week they will let me know if I have this bacteria (which is farily common) and if I do they treat for it (via IV) in Labor & Delivery.

Thursday, September 11, 2008

This Is Outrageous

The baby market is huge - and you can buy billions of items that you dont need for your baby. Some of these items are just stupid, some are actually dangerous. This one appears to be a combination of the two. A new company, Heelarious, is offering high-heeled baby booties for 0-6 months. While they are clear to state that these are "for the sake of fashion" and should not be used for babies that are walking ... the whole concept is just ridiculous. Babies are not dolls or toys - things that you dress up and take out for show. Items like this just infuriate me.

Anyway, if you want to read more here is some popular press coverage:
Today Show Video
For Well-Heeled Fashionable Tots - New York Post
Babies in Stilettos? - ABC News

Wednesday, September 10, 2008

36 Weeks

Its officially my last month of pregnancy! YAY! (Of course, things could change if Baby Schneider decides to take his/her time...but lets not think about that right now) Me @ 36 Weeks
The focus for this week on What To Expect is the beloved "waddle". The pregnant waddle is due to the connective tissue softening and loosening. While the flexibility is necessary to prepare for the arrival of Baby Schneider, there are definitely some downsides (besides looking like a penguin when I walk): discomfort in the pelvis and hip. Add to that the pressure from the baby's head (burrowing deeper and deeper into your pelvis now) and a heavier uterus ... it simply becomes a bit of a pain to walk around. What To Expect suggests a few tips to relieve the pain: relax with your hips elevated, do some pelvic exercises, take warm baths, apply warm compresses, get a massage, or try some complementary and alternative therapies.

Sounds like a plan! I think I deserve a massage this week :)

The Baby @ 36 Weeks
Height: 18.66 inches
Weight: 5.78 Pounds
According to What To Expect, the baby's systems are pretty mature and just about ready for life on the outside. Soem systems still need a "few finishing touches", such as the digestive system that won't be fully mature until sometime after birth. This is because Baby Schneider has relied on the umbilical cord for nutrition, meaning that the digestive system (though developed) hasn't been operational. It takes the first year or two to bring that system up to speed.

Tuesday, September 09, 2008

Furniture: Not Even Gonna Think About It

The status on my furniture is still up in the air. It "might" go on a truck to the warehouse on 9/22...but it "might" not. If it doesnt, they dont know when the next truck is. Calling these people is a waste of my time and energy and I am just going to stop. We dont need it right away anyway and all it does is give me stress. So - you arent going to hear about it again until it has actually been delivered and in the room. Until then, the furniture issue is non-existent and I will spend my time on things I can actually impact :)

Monday, September 08, 2008


I was always worried about the random comments pregnant people often receive. Its probably one of the number one complaints of pregnant women - that people (including strangers) will say odd things to you, give you unsolicited advice, and often try to grope you during your pregnancy.

I really havent had anything like this. Of course, I have become a bit of a recluse and stay inside quite a bit ... so there arent many opportunities for this to happen. But, I do have to say that the things I have heard are generally nice. While strangers have occasionally talked to me about my pregnancy, I havent received any unwanted advice or been groped :)

Over the weekend I had some women in a maternity store and a neighbor tell me that they couldnt believe I was due so soon since I am "so small". I think some women might even find this offensive (especially if they hear it a lot), but considering I have never been called "small" (or anything even close to that word) in my entire life I actually felt quite complemented.

Now, if I can stay in the house for the next 4 weeks and avoid of hearing the opposite ("you're so huge" or "are you sure its not twins?") then I think I can happily say I had nothing but nice interactions!

Friday, September 05, 2008

BPA Debate Update

There have been many questions in recent months about the safety of BPA (bisphenol A). Its a chemical used in many polycarbonate plastics in consumer products such as baby bottles, water bottles and food containers. Despite a May FDA report declaring BPA "safe" (after concerns were raised to its safety), now it appears that that might not be true. The National Toxicology Program (NTP) has declared that “some concern” BPA is of “some concern” for effects of development of the prostate gland and brain and for behavioral effects in fetuses, infants and children.

When in doubt its obvious the choice is to stay away from BPA. Here is a great post that lists all the known BPA free bottles and sippy cups from the Family Health & Safety blog.

Thursday, September 04, 2008

Silent Auction for CAROL VANCE DECKER

I was surfing around on some of my baby-related blogs and found this post on Mamanista. The story really touched me and I thought I should post it on my blog(s) to try to spread the word.
Carol Decker had an emergency cesarean section on June 10, 2008. After the surgery she developed life-threatening hypotension from a septic pneumonia infection. After fighting for several weeks, the medicine she was on to save her life had the unfortunate side effect of blocking blood flow to her legs, left arm and eyes.

Since then, Carol has had both legs below the knee amputated, her left arm amputated and she is blind. Carol was transferred to Harborview after an extended stay in ICU at Swedish Hospital, which insurance has covered to an extent and the rest her family have had to pay for out of pocket. Carol will now begin inpatient rehab, which her insurance will not cover, and is estimated to cost somewhere around $80,000.
Items have been donated and you can bid for them at On that site there is also more info on Carol and her family - including pictures of her adorable children. You can also visit Scott & Carol Decker's blog, which has more info on the family and is following her progress.

You don't have to bid on items - but if you read this post I would love if you passed the info on to friends and family who you think might!

CPR Class

Tonight Jeff and I have our CPR class at the hospital. This class came highly recommended to me by my doctor, who suggested that the information provided during the 2.5 hour class is well worth our time.

Here is the class description:
Learn car seat and home safety, CPR and anti-choking techniques for newborns and children through the age of 8. This class is taught in a relaxed, small group setting with lots of hands on practice. Participants also will receive an infant CPR manual and safety brochures to take home. All instructors are certified by the American Heart Association. Recommended for pregnant couples, new parents, nannies, grandparents, baby-sitters, and other child care providers. Also great for those with toddlers who have not taken a Pediatric CPR course in a while. Car seat safety information and home safety information provided.
Its our last class at the hospital. Overall the classes have provided helpful information but they have also made us more comfortable with the hospital itself. In the long run, I think that comfort actually outweighs our classroom experiences :)

Tuesday, September 02, 2008

35 Weeks

Ah, the end seems so close, yet still so far. Despite the fact that I feel like I cant get any bigger (at least in the pure size of me), I can and will get bigger in the next 5 weeks. I cant imagine that will make gettting around ... or sleeping ... any easier!

Though I keep getting physically larger, as for the weight gain, I lost another lb. Perhaps its a pattern, lose one week and then gain double the next? (Thats what happened last time) I have a feeling that one week I am going to step on the scale and be up about 10 lbs and that will put all the weight wavering questions to rest :)
Me @ 35 Weeks
ePregnancy talks just about how I feel: "You’ve gained approximately 30 lbs, and the strain is starting to show. You’re feeling moody and irritable, more like a beach ball than a supermodel." Actually I dont think I have been very moody (maybe you should ask Jeff to confirm this), but I know that I am often irritable. Its tough not being able to to do the things you want to do, and getting slowed down doing the few things you can. A walk around the block with the dog (or to Starbucks) has become more like a challenging journey versus the quick jolt it was in days past. I assume the lack of sleep can only add to that irritability, as I get up each morning still tired and often cranky :(

The Baby @ 35 Weeks
Height: 18.19 inches
Weight: 5.25 Pounds
What to Expect says that most of Baby Schneider's growth over the next month or so will be in weight (with a gain of anywhere from one pound to several), not height (baby's pretty much reached the in utero limit in that department). So while the baby wont get a whole long longer, it does get bigger as it accumulates fat at a rapid pace. In the middle of pregnancy a baby's weight is made up of only 2% fat; that percentage has now soared to closer to 15% and will increase to 30% over the next 5 weeks!

Video Monitor

Did not do a whole lot over the Labor Day weekend, but we did pick up a video monitor for Baby Schneiders room. Now we have a rocking chair and a video monitor, we sure are well on our way :)

Reviews of video monitors (versus just plain auddio) are generally not good, but both Jeff and I figured we would give it a shot. At least we will set it up and play around with it to see how it works. We have plenty of time to exchange it and get a different type as we wont even be using the babies room for a couple of months. We do want to make sure that when we do need it that we have one that we feel is pretty reliable.

We decided on the Summer Infant "Baby's Quiet Sounds Day and Night Color Flat Screen Video Monitor". Since all of the reviews vary we couldnt go by them a whole lot, so decided just to go on the features we like and hope it all works out. A lot of the video monitors come with really tiny screens, which are likely hard to see (especially in the middle of the night if you wear glasses!). The one we chose has a 7" LCD flat screen monitor and was pretty much our deciding factor. We will test it out over the next few weeks to see how it works!