
Friday, December 28, 2012

Future Globetrotter

We've had it set up for five minutes and he's already doing trick shots ...

Tuesday, December 25, 2012


Christmas Day

Christmas was a highly anticipated event, I believe, due in part, to this guy --- >>

Every night the Elf goes back to the North Pole to fill in Santa on the day's happenings, and every morning he comes back ... to a new hiding place. The threat of the Elf's tattling to Santa kept Ryan in check, and both kids were beyond thrilled to search-and-find him every morning. By the time Christmas arrived, both kids were in a full on frenzy.

The night before we set out cookies and Pineapple juice for Santa (as Brooke insisted Santa would want juice and pineapple was the only thing in the fridge). The reindeer were left some carrots. We got the kids in bed early, did some last minute prepping, and went to bed too.

The next morning I expected Brooke up bright n' early ... but instead, she slept in. Both kids strolled out of bed later than normal and ran downstairs. They screamed and yelled with delight at the fact Santa had come. All the presents were opened in minutes at which point Brooke exclaimed "that's it?"

I think all the hype, in addition to the barrage of gifts prior to Christmas, made the whole event slightly anti-climactic. The kids got bikes, but seemed generally unimpressed. What really got them excited? 1) The few pieces of candy in their stocking 2) new coloring books and crayons and 3) the fact that it started snowing. Figures :)

After unwrapping presents and having our breakfasts, we went to Brooke & Ryan's Great Grandma's house. The kids spent time watching squirrels and throwing wrapping paper. Brooke again expressed her displeasure in the quantity of gifts she received and noted that other kids seemed to have more presents than her. I didn't think Christmas was so complicated for a four-year-old girl ... but then sometimes I forget she isnt exactly your typical four-year-old ;) Next year is sure to add an extra level of pressure for us, as we know realize the level of expectations we are dealing with. We can spend the next year trying to knock her down a peg, but I'm guessing its not going to be enough to tame the princess-beast.

Monday, December 24, 2012

Gingerbread House Fail

We started this house on Saturday (two whole days ago) and just finished it today. It's not because we were too busy, or the kids were disinterested, but because we (mostly me) could not get the house to actually stay together. The walls kept collapsing and the roof kept sliding off ... And at one point we had to run supports on each side in attempts to hold up the roof whole it dried.

Eventually it held together. However, it's about as stable as a house of cards. And after two days of begging to work on the house, Brooke quickly got bored and wanted to eat the candy (vs use it to decorate it).

Next year, if I can will myself to attempt this again, we are going to need a new strategy.

Friday, December 21, 2012

Brooke's Winter Assembly

Today Brooke's class, in addition to all of the other preschool and kindergarten kids, held a Winter Assembly for parents. Last year Brooke had her first stage experience - a ballet recital. We messed up a bit and got there so late we had to sit in the way back. Seeing our Peanut desperately searching for us made me vow to never have that happen again. Brooke must clearly remember too, because she has been talking to me about being right in the front for her preschool show. Ryan and I got there really early and picked some prime seats (including one for Dad who would meet us at showtime).

Ryan patiently waited, talking about "Brookie show". After a long wait and a big snack, Jeff arrived. Minutes later we were (apologetically) told that the kindergarteners needed to sit in the first three rows (which included us) and that we would all have to move ... all the way to the back :(

The show finally started. Ryan was on my lap and Jeff went up closer to stand along the side in the front (hoping maybe Brooke could spot one of us). They brought in all the kids (Brooke actually spotted both of us) and started with two band performances. Ryan laughed out loud during the kids playing - I'm not sure if he thought it was funny or was just being silly. But, his laughter was loud enough that all of the people around us kept looking at us. Hopefully were weren't seated by any proud parents of those students ... I'd be a bit insulted if my kid was getting laughed at by a 2-year-old during a concert!

Brooke's class was the second to perform. The minute they finished Ryan kept yelling "Show done! Go home!". I had to get up from our seats and move to the side of the room in order to try to keep him quiet. We stood on the side and watched the rest of the show, got to congratulate Brooke for her great performance, then headed to Starbucks for our morning coffee. Not a bad start to the morning...

Here is Brooke's preschool class performing for her Winter Assembly!

Sunday, December 16, 2012

Winter Wonderland Express

We went to the Chicago Botanic Garden today to catch the Wonderland Express - an indoor holiday themed train display. We got there with some time to spare and checked out some of the indoor greenhouse.  Both kids loved the florals, but when we entered an area with cacti, Brooke had a bit of a panic attack.  She appeared to believe she would be attacked by a cactus.  I finally calmed her down a bit, and another kid in the green house informed her that she needn't be afraid of the cactus ... she should be afraid of the bugs that live in the green house.  At that point we basically had to run out as fast as we could before she lost it.

Initially Ryan had a bit of an issue when we entered the Winter Wonderland. There was faux snow falling from the sky, and since its been 287 days since Chicago has seen snow ... and Ryan is only two years old ... he was freaked out. He kept his hands on top of his head for a good 10 minutes until he realized he wasn't in any danger.

Only minutes after we got there (and Ryan finally pulled his hands off his head), Ryan was thrilled and Brooke was already bored. As Ryan watched the trains with excitement, Brooke twirled her hair and spaced out into oblivion.

This train was clearly a favorite, I'm guessing its because the guy behind the wheel is currently on the kids minds...

Saturday, December 15, 2012

Santa ... And A Fireman

We got a special treat today. Our visit to Santa had an added bonus - a Fireman! It was a bit of a non-traditional spin on the traditional Santa visit, but seemed to be just the thing Ryan needed to feel comfortable.

Ryan saw Santa a few days ago at a playgroup party, and while he was willing to accept a gift from him, he was not willing to go near enough to touch him. We have been talking about Santa ever since and Ryan has seemed to be excited about another opportunity to see him.

Today, when Daddy told him we'd be seeing Santa, he immediately let him know the prepping had not totally worked. "No Santa!" he exclaimed. Dad diverted the conversation to more positive things ... like all of the things Ryan could tell Santa he wanted. They talked about trucks, cars and trains, and his mood seemed to change. Brooke, on the other hand, had the opposite reaction. She screamed with delight and started talking about things she wants.

We got there and Ryan started to hide. Brooke then claimed she was "scared" too. She then found a princess toy on a shelf that sparked her interest. I convinced her to go show it to Santa and tell him she wanted it. She did, and her leeriness faded.

Ryan was harder to convince. It was finally our turn to take a picture and Brooke jumped right up. Ryan kept telling me "no Santa" while peering at Santa out of the corner of his eye. Im not sure if it was the promise of a toy from Santa, or the plastic firehelmet ... but he finally agreed to sit on Santas lap. And they were instant friends.

Friday, December 14, 2012

Ryan's 1st Dentist Visit

Ryan went to the dentist today. The fact he yelled "no dentist!" each time the topic was raised gave a good indication of how things were going to go.

With Brooke I got a few pictures of her first visit. That's because she hopped up on the chair, fully cooperated, and waked out with a sparkling smile. With Ryan I got just this one.

He was nervous and wouldn't look at the dentist. Eventually I hopped into the chair, put him on my lap, and restrained his arms while they attempted to clean his teeth.

I was told it could have been much worse. The dentist claims many kids scream and cry during their visits. I'm not sure if that was meant to make me feel better ... Or worse ;)

In the end he walked out with a smile, and luckily we don't have to go back for another 6 months ...

Afterwards we went out to celebrate for lunch, and Aunt Jean came with. As are all meals with Ryan - it was full of surprises. Ryan threw a bunch of stuff, smeared hummus all over the table, and kept trying to flag down the staff to collect his plate (by yelling "that guy" at each one of them). He did show Aunt Jean his clean teeth, however moments later he asked her to leave and go home. When we did drop her off at home, he cried "more Aunt Jean" for several blocks. The little guy just wont let me win ;)

Friday, December 07, 2012

Sunday, December 02, 2012

Sunday She Said / He Said

Watching Sunday football ... as the team enters Brooke turns to Daddy and says "Why are they running from the smoke?"


"I better get the highest car, because my legs are going to be really long when I'm 16."


We see an advertisement for the Radio City Christmas Spectacular...
"They look like the castanets!"
(She meant Rockettes)


Brooke: I want to be a bunny for Halloween...
      No. A butterfly!
      A bee!
      No. A grasshopper.
      No. I don't want to be a grasshopper.
      I want to be a butterfly.
      No. I want to be a witch.
Ryan: Witch. Me! Hehehe. (Witches laugh)
Brooke: Ok. I'll be a kitty cat.
Ryan: Meow!
Brooke: No Ryan! I want to be the kitty!
Ryan: Meow!!
Brooke: You be the witch
Ryan: Meow!
Brooke: Why Ryan?
Ryan: Meow!


"Hey mom? Will you please get me a Kleenex? I'm busy over here.


"Ah, listen to that good smell!"
