
Friday, July 24, 2020

Thursday, July 23, 2020

Pandemic Pool Outings

One pandemic plus is that we generally get the pool to ourselves. Today we caught some rays and just hung out.

Tuesday, July 14, 2020

Hitting & Putting

Batting cages AND mini-golf today!

Monday, July 13, 2020

Saturday, July 11, 2020

Nationals: Bantam League

This is a big baseball year as Ryan has aged up into the next league. Last year he was one of the older kids, which also made him (generally) more experienced and bigger than about 1/2 the other kids. This year he is on the opposite side of that range, as one of the younger kids (however his early birthday does impact that a little). To add to that, we switched leagues. He is in a more competitive league this year where a lot of the kids and coaches are more experienced overall. And he has been insanely nervous about this whole combination.

Add to that ... baseball in a pandemic.

Things were crazy today. All pitches were done by kids, and faster and harder than he is used to. A lot of the kids play in multiple leagues, so there is a good amount of experience on all the teams. The team they went again for the first game appeared to be pretty stacked with seasoned players. Their team lost, but seemed to be in good spirits. I was impressed with the coaching, the general maturity of his teammates, and Ryan's desire to really do his best.

Kids had to wear masks on the bench, but not while playing. Coaches had to wear masks at all times. Those spectating were told to sit behind a white line, and circles were drawn to mark out spots 6ft apart. For the most part, everyone really complied. The game ran smoothly, the kids got to play baseball, and we enjoyed a "normal" summer day.

Friday, July 10, 2020

Volleyball Camp

One thing Brooke really wanted to do this summer was work on her Volleyball skills. She was signed up for a camp in the beginning of the summer that was cancelled because of COVID. This camp popped up into my feed just the other day and I knew she'd want to go. It was a hard decision to make because we have been so cautious about exposure thus far. However, it was also an easy decision because we KNEW she'd want to do this.

Good thing we had her go ... because she not only had such a great time but it sounds like really worked on her skills. She worked on setting, spiking and serving. She also is now feeling really confident. It was a great opportunity and we are so glad she went.

Monday, July 06, 2020

Quality Time

The kids think that merely sitting in the same general area counts as spending family time together. They think they’re filling some sort of time quota here, and that I’ll let them off the hook later.

Saturday, July 04, 2020

Visiting Kilwins

Visiting Kilwins, all masked up and waiting for ice cream.