
Monday, August 29, 2011

I Hope It's Always Like This

Went to the grocery store. Brooke & Ryan held hands the whole time.

Sunday, August 28, 2011

Sunday She Said

"Ryan, I like your feet!"


"I'm going to go to Aunt Jean's house. With all of her friends. And have a party. With birthday cake."


Brooke: I'm not tired
Mom: Then why did you just yawn?
Brooke: I just had a rough day.
Note - it was 9AM


Mom: Know what would be good with bagel and dip? ABC soup!
Brooke: No, that's too spilly.

Saturday, August 27, 2011

Sweet Moves

The Sneak

The Grab

The Reaction

Already Over It

Thursday, August 25, 2011

Oh No ... It's Started

The television was on in the background as we were eating breakfast this morning and I wasn't really paying attention to what was on. All of a sudden Brooke started yelling and pointing ...

"I want that!"

It was a commercial for ZhuZhu Babies Newborn Nursery. She has officially joined the consumer culture :(

Guess we have to start on the birthday and Christmas wish list now...

Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Flower Girl For Hire

Brooke was really excited about being a Flower Girl for Tim & Jackie's wedding, but she got a bit of stage fright. She has vowed never to let that happen again, and has been practicing throwing petals daily since Friday.





Monday, August 22, 2011

Better Late Than Never (Ryan's 9 Mo Photos)

The studio I was using since Brooke was born closed down and I was left in a lurch for Ryan's 9 month pics. I kept meaning to take him to the other location, but its a decent drive and I just couldnt get it together timing and schedule-wise.

So, I took him today to Target and just got them done. I had a bad experience there with Brooke when she was little and wanted to avoid the place at all costs. Seemed as though I should have trusted my instincts. Ryan cried the whole time. Either the photographer or the place (or both) seemed to freak him out. He's a pretty laid-back little guy but couldnt stop the tears from flowing during his photo shoot. The photographer asked me if it was "nap time", suggesting that he was cranky and tired. I assured her that the little guy was well rested and fairly well fed ... so that wasnt the issue ;)

She snapped a few quick ones and while they weren't perfect, they'll do. Luckily he's so smiley in general, we have more pictures of him than we could ever possibly find places for.

Sunday, August 21, 2011

Sunday She Said

When asked after Uncle Tim & Aunt Jackie's wedding how she performed at her Flower Girl duties ...

Cousin: Brooke, did you throw the petals?
Brooke: Not today. Tomorrow.


"I'm your sister Ryan! I sing songs and laugh at you ... and you laugh at me!"


We are running a bit late for school and I let Brooke know ...
Mom: Brooke, we might be late for school. There is a lot of traffic.
Brooke (singing to tune of "Where is Thumbkin"): You can do it! You can do it!


"I'm holding my self's hand"


Her plate has a lettuce garnish under the french fries ...
"Oh no! There's salad on my plate!"

Walks to the flower bed with a cup of water...
"I'm gonna water the petunias"
(We dont have any petunias)


"The moon! ... I was missing you!"


Mom: Are you alright?

Brooke: No. I need a hug.

Air Show

Today we packed up our lunch and head down by the lake to catch a bit of the Air & Water show.  Ryan was pretty thrilled with the whole thing, but Brooke isn't a huge fan of the loud planes.  Despite that, she seemed to manage just fine ;)

Eating Lunch

Blowing Bubbles
Loving The Action

Going To Get A Better View

This Green Stuff is AWESOME!

Saturday, August 20, 2011

Brooke's Big Day

Brooke had a pretty big day yesterday! She was the flower girl in her Uncle Tim and (now officially) Aunt Jackie's wedding.

In the morning, she went with Mommy to get a quick haircut. She also got gussied up a bit too!

As we drove to meet Aunt Jackie at the wedding, Brooke was stylin.

But ... she couldnt last for the drive. She passed out, and wrecked her hair in the process.

We got to the hotel and Mom had to do a quick repair on her hair, we then met Aunt Jackie for some pictures.

Brooke rode to the wedding in the limo with the girls and had a blast. But, when actual ceremony time came ... she froze. Daddy had to come and escort her down the aisle. She also wasnt a big fan of standing in front of the audience along with the bridal party and decided it was better to sit with Mom in the pews. If you could call it "sitting". She squirmed, jumped, and repeatedly asked "What's he saying?" at the top of her lungs. After the ceremony all was better again, and Brooke spent her time standing on top of an air vent watching her dress blow.

At the reception she had fun playing with her Daddy & Uncles. She ran between tables during dinner and ran some laps on the dance floor while everyone was eating cake.

Here she is enjoying a special moment with the Bride & Groom.

She didn't stay too long at the reception ... the busy day was a bit much for her. She was ready to go, and Daddy took her out to the car. She got to spend the night at her cousins, where (I hear) the real party started.

I am guessing right about now you are feeling bad for Ryan, who appears to be left out of this special day. Its true - he did not attend the wedding. But, he got to spend the day with his favorite sitter and the next morning with his Aunt Jean. He went to the park ... twice. Does he look disappointed to you?

Friday, August 19, 2011

Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Sunday, August 14, 2011

Sunday She Said

"Ryan, dont be bad! If you be bad you dont get M&M's when you get bigger!"


Saturday, August 13, 2011

Zoo Trip

This morning the zoo had a special event for members only - it opened early AND worked hard to get the animals out and doing things for the kids to see. This is a pretty big deal, since every time we go to the zoo the animals are either sleeping or MIA ;)

We packed up early and head out to the zoo.

Brooke and Ryan were excited and ready to see some animals

Kids could draw and write on the Polar Bear's house. He was pretty excited to see the kids ... but Brooke gave him about 30 seconds of her time before announcing "I want to go see more animals."

As usual, she walked around the place like she owned it

She hugged some gorillas (not real ones, of course)

 Ryan ate a monkey (again, not a real one)

Ryan took a snooze while Brooke took in some more of the sights

A meerkat tried to get her attention. He wasnt successful.

She watched the sea lions cruise around.
She asked if she could go in and swim with them.

She chatted with a rhinoceros

Overall it was a successful outing. A lot of the animals were out that we usually dont get to see. But, although there were some new encounters she still only cared about her two favorites: the lion and the monkey. On the way out she was already talking about coming back to see the lion "tomorrow", so we can assume she had a pretty good time ;) Ryan didn't care either way, but seemed to enjoy the nice weather and a little snooze in the outdoors.

Friday, August 12, 2011

He Drives Like A Pro

Ended up at the mall, without a plan, or a stroller. Rented one for FIVE BUCKS ... But it might have been worth it. Ryan loves driving this car and checking out all the people as we walk around. Hopefully the fresh air will do his little cold some good!

Tuesday, August 09, 2011

Big Smiles

I don't know who loves a trip to Starbucks more ... Mommy or the kids ;)

Sunday, August 07, 2011

Sunday She Said

"You make me laugh sometimes, Ryan!"


"Mom, you look crazy today."


Brooke: Mom, what's on your shirt?
Mom: a flower.
Brooke: Next time you should wear a shirt with a crocodile on it.

Saturday, August 06, 2011

Friday, August 05, 2011

Ryan is 9 Months Old

Weight:21 lbs 13 oz
Height:28.5 inches
Ryan went to the doctor this afternoon for his 9 month appointment. He got one shot and a blood test (for lead) and did great, despite the fact that his appointment was smack dab in the middle of his normal naptime. He's a laid back guy who handles shifts in his schedule pretty well ... and can still smile at a nurse after she gives him a shot in the leg ;)

According to What to Expect the First Year, at 9 months Ryan...

should be able to
  • work to get a toy that's out of reach X
  • look for dropped object X
will probably be able to
  • pull up to a standing position from sitting he's trying, but not yet!
  • creep or crawl X
  • get into a sitting position from stomach
  • object if you try to take a toy away X
  • stand holding on to someone or something X
  • pick up tiny object with any part of thumb and finger X
  • say "mama" or "dada", indiscriminanately he stopped saying a lot of these words lately
  • play peekaboo X
may possibly be able to
  • play patty-cake (clap hands) or wave bye-bye CLAP & WAVE
  • walk holding on to furniture (cruise)
  • understand "no" (but not always obey it)
may even be able to
  • "play ball" (roll ball back to you)
  • drink from a cup independently X
  • pick up a tiny object neatly with tips of thumb and forefinger X
  • stand alone momentarily
  • stand alone well
  • say "dada" or "mama" discriminately
  • say one word other than "mama" or "dada"
  • respond to a one-step command with gestures ("Give that to me," said with hand out)
X means Ryan can do this at 9 months

Monday, August 01, 2011

9 Month Sleep Regression Nightmare

Over the past week there have been some changes in Ryans sleep. First, he started to have a hard time falling asleep at naptime. Not a big deal, but unusual. The little guy is usually asleep before you leave his room and now he tosses, turns and cries for half-an-hour or longer before he finally falls asleep. Then, this issue moved to bedtime. He started having an issue falling asleep at night. The issue kept growing, he started waking once or twice at night. Then, last night he was up ... screaming, crying, tossing, turning, and having a fit ... from 9:30 until 11:30 PM. He also woke several times after that. He was finally quiet, and slept in until 8AM (about 2 hours later than usual).

As he was having his three-hour-fit last night, I was Googling up a storm. Should I rush him to the ER? Is something wrong with him? Is he sick? Hurt? Having an allergic reaction?

My online searches suggest that babies go through a 37-week growth spurt and there is often an 8 (or 9) month "sleep regression". These sleep regressions generally involve sleeping difficulties, frequent waking, and fitfull seep. Essentially, a baby's sleep patterns crumble to pieces when they are working on some sort of new physical or mental development. Well, that sure does sound like what we are looking at here. Ryan has been crawling up a storm, on top of clapping, waving, and trying to learn new words. Looks like all the action during the day is causing some trouble (for everyone) at night!

Good to have a diagnosis, but ...

Looks like there isn't much in they way of help/advice/assistance out there. And to top that off, a "sleep regression" can last a couple of weeks ... or a couple of months.

Looks like we have some rough nights ahead :(

There is a great guest post by a sleep specialist on Surviving Motherhood in which she talks about sleep regressions (specifically the 9 month and on, though many sites do discuss one that takes place around 4 months). She offers a great explanation of the sleep regression in addition to a pretty good pep talk!)