
Friday, March 22, 2013

Pajama Day!

Today is pajama day at school! Ryan was very excited to be able to wear his Batman pjs ;). He has been in a super-hero mode lately, so this just fueled his fire.

He was already grinning from ear to ear when we got to school, but when his pjs caught the attention of another boy in his class he was on top of the world.

Lets just hope he doesn't do anything reckless at school today. A boy with a superhero complex can be a dangerous thing ...

Wednesday, March 20, 2013

Wacky Wednesday

Today is "Wacky Wednesday", a day many kids embrace relish. Unfortunately, a Type A personality kid seems to find it more threatening than thrilling :)

Brooke talked nonstop leading up to "Wacky Wednesday" about what she wanted to do. She was going to wear her shirt backwards and mis-matched shoes. When the day came, she became apprehensive. I convinced her to wear an unmatching outfit, but she wouldn't stray from appropriate wear of each item (no backward or inside-out shirt, no shorts over pants, etc). She refused to do anything atypical with her hair, but decided to wear a crown (which isn't so wacky, because she wears princess items daily at home).

When it came time to put on her shoes, she grabbed two matching flats. I reminded her she was going to mix them up and she said she changed her mind. I eventually got her to mismatch by putting the matching shoes for both pairs into her backpack.

Here she is, as wacky as she would allow herself to be!

(She came home wearing matching shoes ... not sure how long she had her "wacky" pair on)

Sunday, March 17, 2013

Sunday He Said / She Said

Dad walks in from work

Brooke: Dad! That was quicker than I thought! Was that sooner than later?


Brooke: Moms know almost everything.
Me: I dont know everything.
Brooke: Yeah, but you know almost everything.


Brooke: I'm a little bit cold

Me: Do you want your other blanket?

Brooke: Dont even ask the question. You know the answer.


Ryan: Spiderman shoots webs!

proceeds to run around house, "shooting webs" from his hands


Thursday, March 14, 2013

It Was Bound To Happen

Brooke has some petty strong opinions about almost everything. I've been fortunate in that, while she also has many opinions on what she wants to wear, she has accepted the outfits I pick for her without protest. At least, she used to.

Recently she's been using a stool to get to the top if her closet, where the summer and fancy dresses hang. She has rejected the simple, comfortable outfit (and shoes!) I've picked for her and insisted on wearing long, frilly dresses with sparky dress shoes.

Not only are her choices not appropriate for the weather, but they're not exactly conducive to preschool life either. Additionally, this new battle is taking up a chunk of time in the am ... A chunk of time (with a habitually late to school arriva) we just don't have.

After 4.5 years, I still find myself surprised as the power of her inner diva.

Sunday, March 10, 2013

Sunday He Said / She Said

Ryan: "Snowball fight!"
(Throws a hot dog bun off his high-chair)


Ryan: "Me another cookie?"

Mom: "No"

(Ryan reaches on counter, grabs another cookie)

Ryan: "Tricked you!"


Brooke: "That guy had a mustache!"

Mom: "Yeah!"

Brooke: "I thought it was paint, but it was a mustache!"


Wednesday, March 06, 2013

The "Big" Snowstorm

We were promised a huge snowstorm. So huge, flights were cancelled and schools in neighboring cities were closed in anticipation. We did get snow, but it was not quite as exciting as promised. To top it off, this weekend should be in the mid-to-upper-40's and thus ... its not here to stay.

After we got Brooke from school the snow was actually was coming down pretty hard. I figured I'd put the kids to work, so we put on the snowsuits and grabbed some shovels.

It looks like Brooke is slaving away here.
She did shovel out the path in front of her, however ...

After 5 minutes of shoveling she sat down,
refused to do any more,
and demanded hot chocolate.

Ryan, on the other hand, shoveled less than his sister.
And the shoveling he did do?
He removed snow from the trees in the front of our house. Very helpful.

After he finished his "shoveling",
he spent the rest of the time throwing snowballs at me,
while I did all the hard work.

I thought one of the perks to having kids was free child labor? I feel like I got the short end of the stick here :(

Sunday, March 03, 2013

Sunday He Said / She Said

Ryan to Brooke: "No! silly girl!"


Brooke "Guess what the exciting news is? Today is Justin Bieber's birthday!"
