
Wednesday, August 26, 2020


The kids have torn through books this summer and we are (again) at the point where everyone claims to have "nothing to read." Between three kids rooms we have well over 1,000 books so the past few days we've been sorting.

Many of Luke's books are legitimately too easy, so I created a pile of books to get rid of. However, it seems weird to just let them go ... so I made him start reading them. He got through a few and I told him to go to bed, but he was angry because I forced MY choice on him and it wasn't fair so he needed to still read HIS choice.

Ryan's room seems to have become a central repository. He had all sorts of books. He's got two piles to go to Luke, a pile of he will not read and a pile he will reread. He started back though an old book he forgot he had.

Brooke was the recipient of some of the books he no longer wanted. She always claims she won't read them because it bothers her to share interests with her brother, but she eventually reads everything. As I went to bed tonight I found her under her bed with the light glowing. I yelled at her to "give me it," expecting to see the iPad. Instead she pulled out a book and complained that she couldn't stop because it was just too good. It was MIDNIGHT!