
Sunday, August 30, 2015

Sunday He Said / She Said

Dad: What does the umpire do?
Brooke: Strikes back?
Dad: That's the Empire

Monday, August 17, 2015


Today, Luke learned a new word. Donut. Except he pronounces it "dadoo". And he obviously loves donuts, because he doesn't just say the word. He sings it. In a chant.

"Dadoo. Dadoo. Dadoo"

And while he chants he bounces and sways with glee.

That is, until I tell him that there are no more donuts.

Friday, August 14, 2015

16 Months

He's working on two major things:
1) Jumping
He counts one, two, three and then raises his arms and stands on toes.
2) Throwing
Somehow he picked up the word "Hi-
Ya" which he yells as he throws anything in his possession. This includes cups, rocks from the fireplace, and iPads.

Monday, August 10, 2015

Oh No

Little guy climbed up onto the couch ... All by himself.

Not good, considering her refuses to listen and thinks standing and jumping on the couch are fun. Also, he has no clue how to get down by himself.

Sunday, August 02, 2015