
Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Brooke & The Girls

Brooke, along with her friends Connelly & Lilly, enjoy some time babbling and toy-swiping while their Mommies exercise in the park ;)

The girls aren't always on the same schedule, often one is napping (or just plain crabby), but today it was a good playdate. Its funny to see how their different personalities interact!

Still Only Two...

She has more on the way, but for now these 2 little teeth (actually,
they aren't so little anymore!) have been used to gnaw and bite almost
anything. I'm a little worried about my fingers when the top ones are
in the picture :(

Monday, June 29, 2009

Crawling ... Forward!!!

Brooke crawled forward a few times today. Not a whole lot, but it was witnessed by both of her parents :)

It seems as if she can crawl forward when she isnt really thinking about it. If she is concentrating, she goes right back to the backwards crawl.

We expect her to be fully mobile quite soon. Obviously, that has both perks and drawbacks!

Sunday, June 28, 2009

Playing Some Tunes

Working on her lastest composition...

Saturday, June 27, 2009

Night Tantrums

For the past few weeks Brooke has been having some issues sleeping. She has always been a great sleeper, and has gone down easily for naps and at bedtime without much of an issue. But a few weeks ago she began having (what seem like) panic attacks when I start to walk out of the room at naptime & bedtime. At first it was a bit of shrieking and whining ... but now its progressed to horrible screaming, crying, kicking, yelling ... you name it. Just the worst type of fit I can imagine.

I have surfed around and I am not alone. Its a pretty common thing that babies (even excellent sleepers) start to do this. Looks like there isnt a real answer, but its a combination of all of the factors going on in her life. She is teething, learning to crawl, experiencing some separation anxiety, etc. Essentially, she is going through a lot of change and development right now and its making her a little uncomfortable with the idea of Mommy leaving her alone to sleep.

For the past week I have been going in to tend to her. I have not picked her back up from her crib, but I have talked to her, rubbed her back and made "shhhhh" sounds. Often I have had to stand next to her while she fell alseep. This hasnt been too big of a deal, but last night was just too much. She wouldnt calm down and I eventually pulled her from her crib and sat in the rocking chair with her. She still fought and screamed (while I held and rocked her) for about 20 minutes until she passed out. Tonight when she started the fit I just let her carry on. And it went on forever.

A lot of people do not agree with letting a baby "cry it out", but I felt like I had to give it a try. Its obviously becoming a pattern and she is having fits just to get me back into the room, and thats not going to be healthy down the road. So for tonight we sat and watched her pitch a fit on the monitor. What I am going to do tomorrow night I still dont know :( At least for now, I have a sleeping baby.

Friday, June 26, 2009


Brooke slept until 7:00 this morning. The latest she has slept in months. Sounds great, right?

Well ... she first got up at 5:15 and fussed around. It took her about 15 minutes or so to fall back asleep. Although she got almost two more hours of sleep (which she needed) I was not able to fall back asleep.

So despite the fact that she slept in longer than she has in such a long time, I was forced to wake up even earlier than ususal. Sometimes it just feels like you can never win!

Monday, June 22, 2009


I admit, I was rather dreading this moment. Brooke is officially on three meals a day - we added lunch. In addition, she is down to 3 bottles/sippy cups per day (from 4). Why did I dread this? Because now I have to prepare and feed an 8/9 month baby meals three times a day. Its challenging to figure out what to feed her and the process of making her meal is often as long as feeding her (and often almost as messy). I'm trying to incorporate more finger foods because she desperately wants to feed herself, but thats also a bit challenging too. She cannot pick up all objects, and some that she can pick up she cannot eat without choking ;)

I knew this milestone would come ... my pediatrician told me she needed to be on 3 meals a day by 9 months, so I did it wiht about a week to spare. As for the 3 servings of milk, not all babies go to 3 at the same time as they go to three meals. It really just depends on the baby ... some babies her age are still drinking milk 5-6 times a day! She was just ready, so here were are! My big girl, eating three meals a day like a grown-up. Feeding herself, trying to crawl, clapping and waving ... whats next????

Sunday, June 21, 2009

Happy Fathers Day Dad!

We're trying to be on our best behavior for your 1st Fathers Day!

Friday, June 19, 2009

A Present

Today Brooke had a playdate and her friend Connelly gave her a gift!

Of course, she wont be able to wear it for quite a while...but its her first barrette! And she can't wait to have enough hair so that she can wear her awesome purple bow :)

Monday, June 15, 2009

Other New Developments

On Sunday (yesterday) we went to the park in the morning and Brooke heard someone clapping while she was on the swings. It sparked her interest and she looked around for the noise. I took the hint and started clapping for her, and she mimicked my movements. She has done it several other times since. Its a timid move, one that she isnt too comfortable with yet, but its definitely clapping! While she has learned to clap, its not until later that a baby can start clapping to show happiness or excitement.

It's been a long while since I talked about Brooke's relationship with books. If you remember old posts, Brooke would cry each time I read to her. Despite this fact, I continued to read to her on a daily basis. She continued to get more interested in books ... in addition to eating them she would close them while we were tryng to read them. It wasnt until we found this book that things started to change.

At the end, the question is asked "How big is Baby Elmo?" and the next page offers a big pop-up of Elmo that says "Baby Elmo is sooo big!". The 2nd or 3rd time we read this book to Brooke she knew what was coming and starting flapping her arms around in excitement :) Now she generally whines during the first part of the book ... only because she is so excited for the end. She doesnt want to have to listen to the "boring part" and is all about the exciting finale!

Now Brooke will sit and listen as we read most books to her. She rarely grabs at them, she almost never cries, and generally appears to be listening througout the book (as long as its short!). Its pretty exciting to see her learn to appreciate books, a passion I hope she shares with me as she grows up.

Just a few days ago I posted a pic of Brooke's first tooth. The second one was already a bit visible, but now you can clearly see both. She clearly likes showing her two teeth off because now all of her smiles are "toothy" ones and she spends a lot of time with her mouth just hanging open (like in the pic below) for no reason ;) If I had such cute teeth I'd show them off too!

Saturday, June 13, 2009

Big Girl Car Seat

1st ride in her new convertible carseat ... She's riding with style now.

Friday, June 12, 2009

Brooke Realizes She Is Wearing Shoes...

While on the swings ;)

Mastered The Art Of Crawling...


While its a bit funny to watch her try to move towards a toy and progressively get farther and farther away (well, funny until she starts crying about it) its actually a pretty typical step in the learning process. According to the Encyclopedia of Childhood and Adolescence :
Learning to crawl involves a gradual trial-and-error learning process. When infants first get up on their hands and knees, they will make modest attempts at movement, rocking or swaying in the direction they want to go. When they try to move, their balance is unstable and they have trouble coordinating their movements, frequently moving an arm or leg and toppling over. One source of difficulty is the fact that, neurologically, control over the arms and shoulders develops faster than control of the legs. This is also the reason that once the infant is finally able to make real progress, it is often in a backwards direction, because she is able to push harder with her hands and arms than with her feet.
Right now Brooke is working on her coordination and I expect she will actually be crawling fowrards in the next couple of weeks.

Thursday, June 11, 2009

For Aunt Jean

For some reason, Aunt Jean thought Brooke needed some leg warmers. I
was doubtful, but saw these in the store today and now they just so
happen to be on Brookes legs ;)

Desperate Times Call For Desperate Measures

It's another gloomy day, Brooke is irritable, and I need coffee. We
decided to try out the rain guard for her stroller. Got to Starbucks
warm and dry ... but still irritable :(

Tuesday, June 09, 2009

The Amazing Developments 2/3 Of A Year Can Bring

First, the tooth.

She is very proud of this new development. She uses it to bite her toys and any other object that is lucky enough to find is way into her mouth. She already is working on #2 and cannot wait to test her new little chompers out on those other babies that steal her toys at playgroups.

Then we have the sippy cup.
Its so fun to drink from that the process is often lengthy and messy. There is a lot of shaking, bouncing, wiggling and laughing ... but eventually what does not spill all over her face and chest ends up in her belly.

Recently she has been practicing her push-ups. Not the baby kind of push up, but a big girl kind of push up. She looks like this baby, but her bottom is much lower. Its more true to form. She actually was watching my exercise class do both push ups and planks this morning and she kept doing her push up position. I think all of my exercising is starting to rub off on her (hopefully she doesnt notice that after I exercise I generally have a latte and pastry).

The past few days there have been a few moments where we thought she might have been waving. Its a flimsy arm movement that has been timed close to when we were encouraging her to wave, so we figured that she was sort of waving ... but werent sure. Today I was sure. She waved. She doesnt do it all of the time and its a new skill she still has yet to perfect ... but we are excited nonetheless. Right now its just an imitation thing, but before long she'll be using it as a greeting :)

Other New Skills
She also has learned another few things. She has been doing a motor boat sound, which is a step up from the raspberries. She used to just blow a bunch of spit ... now she blows a bunch of spit while also vibrating her lips (thus blowing even more spit). She also has added to her "vocabulary" saying ma-ma in addition to da-da and ba-ba. Every once-in-a-while she throws in a wa-wa or na-na. She loves those "a" sounds :) Still doesnt have a clue what they mean, but is learning to express herself in new ways every day! She is also shaking her head no. Like the waving motion, she isnt understanding the context of it. (Thankfully we are not yet in the stage where we have a baby/toddler that simply says no to everything). She shakes her head all of the time, and will also mimic us when we do it. Its become the fun game in the house lately ... we ask Brooke a question and watch her "say no" in response :)

Lentils Are Tricky

I tried looking all over online about preparing lentils for a baby. Basically all I could find said the same thing: "prepare according to package directions" and then puree/moosh/smash to consistency for your baby. So I simmered the lentils for 20 minutes on the stovetop. I noticed during the cooking that some of the shells were floating in the water, and by the end of the 20 minutes I had a pile of cooked beans whose skins had slipped off. It was all one big messy heap. What was I to do? Did I need to weed through this pile and get all of the skins? Could Brooke eat them? SHOULD she eat them?

More investigation really provided nothing. I did read that much of the nutritional value was in the skin ... so I decided to make an attempt at pureeing the whole mess and trying to feed it to her. The first few bites she was definitely having a hard time with it and choked on the skins. Hmm. So I added pureed cauliflower, which made it better ... but still some choking. Finally I added some water and diluted the whole concoction. She ate all of it and despite the choking hazzard I can say that she does like lentils. Its her Mommy thats having a bit of a hard time with them. I'll continue to do some more searching to try to figure out how to best prepare them for her, for now I'm a bit clueless!

Update: It looks like I "overcooked" my lentils and thus they burst out of their skin. I think with a baby you might have to overcook them ... the mushy consistency is a desirable trait. But, I found an interesting article with a tip for cooking lentils that I might try with my next batch.

Monday, June 08, 2009

New Shoes

Brooke has some new shoes! I ordered her a bunch of pairs for 2 reasons: 1) she is about to outgrow the few pairs she has and 2) they are so darn cute.

As Brooke becomes more mobile, and more insistant on "standing" versus sitting, I have noticed a bigger need for some shoes. When she is just wearing socks her feet slip around too much on many surfaces (and the socks eventually fall off ... or are taken off). Shoes for pre and early walkers have a flexible sole with grip, designed to protect her feet outdoors or on hazardous surface while still providing the flexibility her little feet need continue to develop and grow.

I ordered all of her shoes from See Kai Run, a company dedicated to making cute shoes for babies (and toddlers) that "meets the American Podiatric Medical Association's rigorous standards for foot health and functionality and has been awarded the APMA's prestigious Seal of Acceptance". They also are the makers of the pair of pink Mary Jane's Brooke is often wearing.

Look for pictures of Brooke in the future rocking one of these adorable pairs

Sunday, June 07, 2009

Papaya Is Icky

After three days of papaya, it never got any better than day one. She definitely isnt a fan, and I really dont blame her ;)

Yesterday and today I gave her a few bites of it and there were more nasty faces and gagging ... but I could get her to eat it if it was mixed into other things. Tonight she had a pea / yellow-squash combination and loved it. I think that her experience with papaya has been so negative that she actually realized that peas are not so bad. That must mean papaya is about the grosest thing she could ever imagine!

Tomorrow we are starting lima beans, and we've got blueberries and colby cheese in the wings. Yum!

Saturday, June 06, 2009

Swimming Fiasco!

Brooke had her first swim lesson today. She was very excited until she realized that not one, but TWO other little girls had the same swimsuit as she did. Oh the humiliation!

Luckily, she was able to quickly get over it and have fun splashing and kicking in the pool. She really does love the water and could not get the smile off of her face during the entire session (not even when she face-planted and swallowed water - twice!).

She is already looking forward to next week when she gets to spend some more time in the pool ... while wearing her other swimuit :)

Friday, June 05, 2009

Papaya - Day One

We were gonna start lentils today, but I noticed we were low on fruit
and pretty stocked in the veggie department.

This morning we had papaya, which did not to over really well. She
often is a bit iffy about something new on the first day, but then
warms up to it in the days to follow ... But I'm not too sure papaya
is going to follow that trend.

Thursday, June 04, 2009

Cauliflower Surprise

We finished day 3 of cauliflower with a mish-mash of cauliflower, green beans, yellow squash, and tofu. I sure wouldn't eat it ... But she did :)

Brooke honestly eats almost anything, but I could tell that cauliflower is not on her list of favorites. It wasnt that she hated it, it was just that she really could care less about it. There are some foods she definitely loves, and this just wasnt one of them.

Early Bird Takes An Early Nap

When you combine teething with a sunrise wakeup time ... It makes it
hard to stay awake until your 10am naptime. Today she crassed at 9:15
and will likely wake up before naptime is scheduled to begin ;)

Wednesday, June 03, 2009

Coffee Before Exercise

Brooke and I like to hit the coffee shop before our exercise class for
a little extra energy boost.

Tuesday, June 02, 2009

What Brooke Is Eating

I've replaced "What I'm Reading" on the sidebar with "What Brooke's Eating" :) It seems that food is a pretty big part of our lives right now and I figured it deserved some more attention.

Tofu was a hit ... we think. She shoves piece after piece in her mouth, but seems to forget to chew. I think she likes the flavor but the consistency (and the actual task of having to chew) are throwing her off a bit. Yesterday she had her third day of tofu (which is necessary to test for allergies) and I mixed it into sweet potatoes versus eating it as a finger food. Tonight we start with cauliflower and lentils are on deck! is a great site for those who are making their own baby food, but also just for information in general. It gives you nutrition information, proper times to introduce items, recipes, etc. Lentils and other Dried Beans are another great source of protein and are generally low on the list of those foods that prompt allergic reactions. Im sure Brooke will like cauliflower, since she basically likes everything ... so in a few short days we will be entering the world of the lentil :) Seems like lentils mix well with a variety of foods (Apples,Peaches,Green Beans,Sweet Potato and Tofu just as an example) so it will be a great item to add into the mix. We need to add a third meal soon and I'm getting worried about having to plan out all of her meals, I need as many options as possible!

Monday, June 01, 2009

8 Months Old

Weight:21 lbs 6 oz
Height:27 7/8 inches
Measuring a baby is tricky, we might be off here. When she goes to the doctor for her 9 month checkup and we will find out how far off we were then!

According to What to Expect the First Year, at 8 months Brooke...

should be able to
  • bear some weight on legs when held upright X
  • feed self a cracker X
  • rake with fingers an object and pick it up in fist X
  • turn in the direction of a voice X
  • look for dropped object X
will probably be able to
  • pass a cube or other object from one hand to the other X
  • stand holding on to someone or something X
  • object if you try to take a toy away X
  • work to get a toy that's out of reach X
  • play peekaboo sort of
  • get into a sitting position from stomach
may possibly be able to
  • creep or crawl
  • pull up to a standing position from sitting
  • pick up tiny object with any part of thumb and finger X
  • say "mama" or "dada", indiscriminanately
may even be able to
  • play patty-cake (clap hands) or wave bye-bye high five
  • walk holding on to furniture (cruise)
  • stand alone momentarily
  • understand "no" (but not always obey it)
X means Brooke can do this at 8months