
Friday, August 14, 2020

This Cat

This cat likes to hide in small places. Boxes, bags, baskets ... you name it.

This cat disappeared about 6pm tonight, after dinner, presumably to a small space. We were supposed to drive to Michigan and could not find him. The thing is, the cats feel whatever vibe we give off when we are gonna crate them and start becoming evasive. Both cats felt it tonight and started acting sketchy well before we were ready to grab them. But, they knew.

We searched, we called, we waved treats around. Nothing. So we did not go to Michigan and instead waited for him to show his face. At 10pm, still nothing. At this point we start to worry that our shy, skittish, untrusting foster cat somehow snuck out the door.

At 10:30 I decide to look outside. I start by peering into our backyard, and strangely saw some OTHER RANDOM CAT. Both the cat and I were freaked by the encounter. But I took that as a sign that Eri was out there and walked the neighborhood shaking treats and calling for him. Nothing.
I come back home, make a call and get ready for bed. I'm trying to figure 1) how to make a Missing Cat poster and 2) how to tell the Humane Society that we lost a foster cat.
I go back down stairs to check one more time before bed. I head to the basement and check every room and door and space. I then walk upstairs and see a cat stroll into the kitchen. I look and see another cat on the bench. TWO cats. He was here the whole time. He has apparently found the best spot ever. He has clearly outwitted us and we will probably never get him into a cat carrier again.