
Monday, August 31, 2020


Spent another day at the beach, but this one felt very final. I'm back to work tomorrow, kids sports start this week, and the kids are back to school next week. We are unprepared and unwilling. We've been living in Michigan for over 5 months, and while we don't want to stay here forever ... we also don't want to go home either. There's a sense of dread. A sense that is different than the initial lockdowns and fear of the unknown. This is more like the fear of the known - the world we need to live in.
Despite the little feeling of dread in our hearts, it was a perfect beach day. Water was calm (which actually disappointed the kids but makes US feel safer) and the weather was perfect.

Luke has a habit of yelling out "I have the Corona" and I've been unable to get him to stop. He yelled it at the way into the beach and also on the way out. Except on the way out he refused to walk anymore and stood frozen in one spot. Apparently, this time he really DID have the Corona.

Seems pretty suiting to 2020 that we were unable to avoid the Corona on our way out of the beach as we wrap up our summer.

Sunday, August 30, 2020

Upping our S'mores Game

We've been using wooden skewers for s'mores, which has been fine for everyone but one kid. And, you just need the one. The one kid never ceases to let the stick catch fire, and then wait too long to put it out, and then panic and do all the wrong things. It was an accident waiting to happen.

So we went big time and got the steel extending skewers. They allowed everyone to stay far, which was good. They made it hard to blow out a fire on the marshmallow, partially because they were fully extended. When you pulled it back, the marshmallow would be over your head. Not only can breath not reach to blow, but firey marshmallows in the air are bad. The other con is that the boys thought they were weapons and when not paying attention almost poked some eyes out.

All issues were human error and hopefully we will learn to use these without injury. Only time will tell.

Saturday, August 29, 2020

How 'bout them apples?

Today we hit the roads for Jollay Orchards to pick apples. We skipped strawberries this season because there was too much buzz about it online and I figured distancing would be hard. We did blueberries, and while the crowds were not overwhelming we had issues with masks and personal space. Apples, however, were pretty great.

While not everyone was wearing masks, most were. And there were barely any people. You can see from this pic we were actually alone in the orchard at this time! Temps were perfect, the sky was the bluest of blue, and the apples were plenty. The best part was the dozen apple cider donuts we grabbed after. I would have shared a pic of those ... but they were immediately consumed. The kids want to go back tomorrow :)

Wednesday, August 26, 2020


The kids have torn through books this summer and we are (again) at the point where everyone claims to have "nothing to read." Between three kids rooms we have well over 1,000 books so the past few days we've been sorting.

Many of Luke's books are legitimately too easy, so I created a pile of books to get rid of. However, it seems weird to just let them go ... so I made him start reading them. He got through a few and I told him to go to bed, but he was angry because I forced MY choice on him and it wasn't fair so he needed to still read HIS choice.

Ryan's room seems to have become a central repository. He had all sorts of books. He's got two piles to go to Luke, a pile of he will not read and a pile he will reread. He started back though an old book he forgot he had.

Brooke was the recipient of some of the books he no longer wanted. She always claims she won't read them because it bothers her to share interests with her brother, but she eventually reads everything. As I went to bed tonight I found her under her bed with the light glowing. I yelled at her to "give me it," expecting to see the iPad. Instead she pulled out a book and complained that she couldn't stop because it was just too good. It was MIDNIGHT!

Tuesday, August 25, 2020

Still Growing

Compared to our days often filled with leisure, today was a hectic one. Luke had his 6 year old wellness check (almost 6 months late) in which he lied in response to most questions (eg: Q.. Do you run and play outside? A.. No. Not really. I don't have a heart) and was too truthful for others (Q.. Do you brush your teeth? A.. Yes, but not in the mornings. Unless I'm going to the dentist). 


Brooke finally got one of her FIVE LOOSE TEETH out, which was a bit of a bloody mess. It fell out mid lunch and she spit her bloody tooth onto the spoon rest and her bloody sandwich into the trash. I couldn't even clean it. Hope the Tooth Fairy doesn't deduct for the mess of a tooth she left tonight!
Despite the stagnant nature of life lately, the kids continue to grow. They've gotten substantially taller since quarantine, lost some teeth, and gained a new skill or two. That's a lot more than can be said for the the grownups they're living with 😉

Monday, August 24, 2020

Not A School Year

In a week I'm back at work, teaching face-to-face in a college classroom. The next week, one kid starts online learning and the other two start a blend of online and face-to-face. Like everyone else, we hodgepodged our way through the Spring with sudden online learning. Then we hoped for the best with the Fall. Now we scramble to try to assemble actual learn from home spaces for our kids.

Last week I tried to find a desk, every desk on the planet is sold out. This week I tried to find a desk chair - sold out. Today we went to IKEA to look around and it was chaos.

First, IKEA is basically empty. There's almost nothing left in the kitchen accessories area, and there's really nothing left in the office space area. We overheard an employee telling someone to basically RUN to the lower level to collect the desk chair they wanted because it would be gone if they didn't. We inquired about desk protector pads, and she told me to grab all I could because they were going to sell out and she didn't know if any would ever come back in.

One thing we needed was a lamp to help light a workspace. We settled on this one (basically because it was the cheapest) and then found only one left sitting as a straggler upon a different pile.
Coincidentally, in true IKEA form, it is the NOT lamp. This basically sums up the whole life experience lately, doesn't it? It was NOT a normal trip to IKEA, we are NOT prepared for e-learning, life is NOT meeting expectations and I did NOT plan on buying desks and chairs and lamps right now.

Welcome to the family new lamp. We are so excited to have you. NOT.

Sunday, August 23, 2020

The Face Tells The Story

The Nationals lost their playoff game today. If you know which kid is mine in this picture, I’m guessing you can tell how he took it.

Right after this pic was taken the coach bought all the kids ice cream from the local street vendor. Because there were no snacks allowed this season, this was an extra big deal. Sad spirits were lifted and smiles were everywhere. Ryan walked over to us with his ice cream and almost all was forgotten. Until we got home and he dropped his ice cream on the ground before we got into the house. Today was not his day.

He’s characteristically taken losses pretty well over the years, but part of that might be because he was never really in that competitive of a league and never was on that competitive of a team. This league and this team were different. Hearts were definitely broken today.

Saturday, August 22, 2020

Still In It

With a win today, the Nationals are still in the playoffs. There are two games tomorrow that determine who makes the Championship game.

Ryan has never been in a league or on a team that is this competitive before. I think if it weren't for some of the coronavirus restrictions that make it a little harder to get to know the team and celebrate these wins ... it would be an insanely exciting season. Instead, he seems to feel a little like he's on the outside looking in.

Tomorrow's game is against a team that beat them by a large margin earlier in the season ... so fingers crossed!


Friday, August 21, 2020

Testing Outdoor Transmission

Spent another day at the beach today. Still nobody was wearing a mask. However, people today seemed to care less about 6ft distance. The worst part was a woman who sat fairly close, but passed even closer and hung out in the lake without regards to distance ... with a nasty cough. We could not think straight. Do we leave? Should we say something? How far does a virus travel via cough?
This has actually been our first experience close to someone who appeared to be sick. I can't imagine how we will all feel in a few months when the norm is almost everyone is sick.

Thursday, August 20, 2020


Over the years the kids have gotten pretty good at car travel. We are in and out traveling all the time, and rarely do they complain. In the last few days we've made the short trip to and from Michigan several times ... and traffic every time. The other night I got caught in the downtown curfew limitations. A few days later it was just bad luck between construction and 2 accidents. Today we just mostly hit rush hour traffic, which was my own fault.

These recent traffic hiccups made me think back to March & April when we made a few trips back and forth during shelter-in-place, before "permanently" staying in Michigan. We'd drive at any time of the day and encounter only a handful of cars on our journey through three states. On one hand it's good to see trucks on the road, a sign of production and purchase. It's good to see cars because that often means employment. But it's also crazy to see this shift because nothing has actually changed regarding the state of the pandemic since March. Yet, if you look at the roads alone you'd assume we are all back to normal. That weird balance between normal and not-normal is really most of what is in my mind lately as Im supposed to return to the classroom in a week and 2/3 kids return to a classroom the week after. It's like nothing has changed while at the same time ... everything has changed.

Wednesday, August 19, 2020


After 40 minutes of scolding they eventually went to bed ... only to all retreat to Brooke's room and stall some more. There were lots of giggles, not because they were looking at cute cat pics but because the found humor in whatever violent game they were likely playing.
Again, I'm still amazed after all these days together that more nights end up with giggles than screaming and yelling. They all had a good day and it shows in their smiles when we call it a night. Life is not so bad.

Tuesday, August 18, 2020

Drive In Movie

We are working on getting some activities in before summer ends. Tonight was the kids first drive-in movie. They were pretty psyched, but mostly about movie popcorn versus the actual movie experience.

We went to see Harry Potter at a theater in Plymouth, Indiana. It was about an hour drive for us. The website made a plea for is to buy food at their concession stand and also said we had to pay $10 to bring in our own food. So, we prepared the kids for some yummy movie quality popcorn. At the theater we were the only car there! Literally. Then 2 more cars showed a bit after the movie started.

We went to the concession to buy popcorn, stood there about 20 minutes ... and no attendant showed! So, we had to tell the kids no popcorn. This almost ruined the movie. Luckily we went a little rogue and snuck in some Twizzlers.

The experience was great and the candy ensures the night met almost all expectations.

He Said

Luke: Sometimes when you guys carry me I'm not really asleep. I just pretend to be asleep because my legs are tired and I don't want to walk.

Monday, August 17, 2020

Body Surfing

The kids got a chance to let loose and just be kids. They spent hours jumping into and over the waves at the beach ... looking for the best ones to ride. It was such hard work that the little guy said he needed to rest for a minute, and totally passed out.

I'm not going to get into the lack of masks in public spaces or the refusal of others to allow a few feet of personal space. We had a lovely day, we all got some sun, the kids got to laugh and play.

Sunday, August 16, 2020

Quarantine Day 151: Pool TikTok

It's not often the boys are invited to do a TikTok. This is one of the little ways we have proof this trio is more friend then enemy. While we have hiccups thought the day, they actually generally get along.

What's really amazing is that they've essentially been stuck with each other, almost constantly, with little distraction from others ... for 6 MONTHS. If we can survive this without killing each other, we can do anything.

Saturday, August 15, 2020

Summer Reading

I've actually gotten a few books read this summer in addition to a couple I listened to on Audible. I've intentionally chosen books for enjoyment (versus ones in which I expect some sort of growth as an outcome) in order to keep my mind off the bigger things.

Interestingly, I've now read three of the same books as Brooke. One I read first, and she (coincidentally) had a virtual book club for school with the same book. One I read because she was assigned for summer reading and struggling to get through it, so I read to help her process it. And the third one is the first of the Hunger Games series.

During school this year Brooke informed me that "everyone" at her school had seen the Hunger Games movies. I told her she could see them, but had to read the books first. She flew though the series and is now reading the 4th, a prequel, that recently came out. I actually really enjoyed the first one and am excited to start the next one. Perhaps I should stick to YA books from now on ... they definitely make me a little cheerier than my typical reading does AND I can read them a little more casually (thus, being able to simultaneously read & monitor the kids in the pool).

Friday, August 14, 2020

This Cat

This cat likes to hide in small places. Boxes, bags, baskets ... you name it.

This cat disappeared about 6pm tonight, after dinner, presumably to a small space. We were supposed to drive to Michigan and could not find him. The thing is, the cats feel whatever vibe we give off when we are gonna crate them and start becoming evasive. Both cats felt it tonight and started acting sketchy well before we were ready to grab them. But, they knew.

We searched, we called, we waved treats around. Nothing. So we did not go to Michigan and instead waited for him to show his face. At 10pm, still nothing. At this point we start to worry that our shy, skittish, untrusting foster cat somehow snuck out the door.

At 10:30 I decide to look outside. I start by peering into our backyard, and strangely saw some OTHER RANDOM CAT. Both the cat and I were freaked by the encounter. But I took that as a sign that Eri was out there and walked the neighborhood shaking treats and calling for him. Nothing.
I come back home, make a call and get ready for bed. I'm trying to figure 1) how to make a Missing Cat poster and 2) how to tell the Humane Society that we lost a foster cat.
I go back down stairs to check one more time before bed. I head to the basement and check every room and door and space. I then walk upstairs and see a cat stroll into the kitchen. I look and see another cat on the bench. TWO cats. He was here the whole time. He has apparently found the best spot ever. He has clearly outwitted us and we will probably never get him into a cat carrier again.

Thursday, August 13, 2020


Brooke had an 11 hour play date yesterday (literally) and laid in bed until noon today. Despite that, she woke up anxious and edgy. She spent the day snapping at everyone and getting upset over everything. Then her (new) lighting cable wouldn't charge her iPad anymore ... likely because of the bent tip and she LOST it.

I suggested she spend some time in her room reading and doors were slamming. Not too long after I decided to check on her and found her passed out on her beanbag.

There's such a delicate balance between being a little kid and a big kid and a young adult! And the age she's at literally spans all three. One day she's running errands solo and baking cinnamon rolls from scratch and the next day she's having a tantrum on the floor over screen time.

Sometimes when I think about how hard and exhausting MY life is, I think about how lucky I am not to be an (almost) 12 year old girl living in this complicated world.

Wednesday, August 12, 2020

New Discoveries

A friend cued Brooke into Pinterest and apparently she spent a good portion of the day on it recipe hunting. I bet not a lot of 11-year-olds spend their time pinning recipes, but here we are :)

It was a long day and a late night, so I promised to hear ALL about her Pinterest finds tomorrow. Wish me luck.

Thursday, August 06, 2020

Sunday, August 02, 2020

Brooke TikTok creation: Oreo Creme

Brooke insisted on making dessert tonight. A super-secret dessert in which she screamed and yelled if anyone approached within 10 feet of the kitchen. It involved the hand mixer and the freezer ... plus lots of sugar, heavy cream & Oreos. She beautifully presented them to us, with an unveiling as she pulled off metal bowl “lids” to show us her work.

Ryan, who hates all pastries, LOVED it. He asked her to make it again. Luke sat down and gave it his full attention (something he rarely does) and also praised his sister.

She worked hard to make this a special dessert, and she got some legitimate respect and thanks from her brothers ... I think she was pretty pleased!