Brooke has been all about walking lately. She wants to walk all over the house holding onto our hands, and my aching back is proof of it. Today she took a few steps on her own ... without holding onto us. I dont think she really realized she did it (or the importance of what she did), but do expect her to be walking in the next few weeks (by her 1st birthday, for sure).
She also appears to have a new word: "eyes". We can point to a doll/animal and say "eyes" and she repeats us.
One more trick she has picked up. We have a box of Pampers on the floor that she likes to play with. On it, there is a tiny picture of Elmo and a much larger picture of a baby crawling. We can ask here "Where is Elmo" or "Where is the baby" and she will point to the right one. What a smarty ;)