As Brooke approaches her 1st birthday, we are aware that we need to start working on moving her from "baby" to "toddler". Some of this naturally occurs on its own, but there are other things that we need to actually teach her. One of these things I gave a shot at this morning - table manners. As a baby Brooke can eat off her high chair with her hands, but eventually she needs to use dishes and silverware. We give her a spoon every-once-in-a-while so that she can get the feel of it. She can occasionally put food (that we put on the spoon for her) into her mouth, but more often it ends up on the walls or back in our faces. Still, its good practice.
We decided the other day that she needed some practice at eating out of a bowl (or off of a plate). I have a few bowls with suction cup bottoms, a great starter for a baby that likes to throw things. So this morning I put all of her fruit into the bowl, and then stuck it to her high chair. Things started off great!
Unfortunately (and this was mostly my fault) things went down hill from there. Brooke's high chair has a nice feature - a double layer tray. The tray has two parts so that you can remove one and use the one underneath it. So when the top one is dirty, there is still another surface to eat from. The problem is that this top layer just sort of rests on the bottom layer. It comes off quite easy, which has not been a problem ... until now.
I then removed the top layer and stuck the bowl onto the bottom part ...
the actual high-chair tray that is firmly attached to the high-chair seat.
Problem solved, right?
Well ... it appears that no silly little suction cup can deter my little muscle girl.
After a little bit of work she simply pulled the bowl right off the tray,
and proceeded to dump all of its contents on the tray and the floor.
After making her mommy look like an idiot, Brooke removed her bib
and clearly indicated that breakfast was over.