There are a lot of things that happen around the magical 1 year mark. First, a whole new variety of foods that were previously not allowed become options. She can have citrus (like oranges), honey, nuts (like peanut butter), shellfish and berries (raspberry & strawberry). Second, Brooke will move from formula to cows milk. She has already begun this process ... each week we change the blend of her "milk". Right now its about 60% cows milk and 40% formula. By her birthday it will be 100% cow milk. Which gets me to the third change - the sippy cup. Most pediatricians recommend that after age 1 that a baby get all beverages in a sippy cup versus a bottle. (More on the sippy cup transition) Brooke has been "off the bottle" for a while now, but we still have some issues with sippy cups. This article, Babble Best: Sippy Cups has some pretty helpful information when it comes to the different types/kinds of sippy cups out there.
I have to admit, even though the article has a lot of information, we actually do not use anything on the list (or on the top rated/purchased lists from below). Brooke uses the "Nuby Mega Straw Sipper".
The main reason I went with this one is because the traditional sippy cup gets some bad press. There are two potential problems 1) possible speech development delays (issues with teeth and tongue) and 2) tooth decay. Most suggest that the straw will avoid some of those issues. In addition, putting kids on a sippy cup still requires one more transition, whereas a straw will be used for the years to come. More on the "sippy cup syndrome".