According to the BabyCenter, women need 1,000 mg of calcium a day and most women only get about 700 mg. This is before, after and during pregnancy. Calcium is just as important for all women, and the RDA (recommended daily allowance) doesnt change if you are pregnant. But, for pregnant women this calcium becomes imporant for the developing baby in growing strong bones and teeth, a healthy heart, nerves, and muscles, and in developing a normal heart rhythm and blood clotting abilities. Without enough calcium intake, the baby will leach it from your bones, which may impair your own health later on.
Good News! A medium Dairy Queen Blizzard had 45% of the RDA of calcium! And to top it off, today is Miracle Treat Day. That means while you are helping you and your baby get the calcium you both really need, you will also be benefiting your local Children's Miracle Network Hospital. So run (or waddle quickly) to your local Dairy Queen and get yourself some much-needed nutrition :)