
Friday, August 01, 2008

6 Things to Never Say to Your Pregnant Friend

Cute article on MSN listing the 6 Things to Never Say to Your Pregnant Friend. For some reason there are 10 items on the "6 Things" list, but oh well! What's on the list?

1)"So...was it planned?"
2)"Twins! IVF or natural?"
3)"30 weeks? You're still so small!"
4)"Speaking of pregnancy, did I ever tell you about my sister's 36-hour labor?
5)"Well, maybe next time it'll be a boy."
6)"Felt any kicks yet [said while placing hand on her belly]?"
7)"[Insert name]? Really? Hmm, that's an...interesting choice."
8)"That's a decaf latte, right?"
9)"Let me know when you're at week 15. I'm praying this one works out."
10)"Yeah, babies are cute and all, but just wait until puberty..."