Thursday, March 18, 2021
More Teeth
I don't remember losing teeth as a kid. And I certainly don't remember losing teeth as a tween.
But, the last two years in Brooks life I feel like have been filled with nothing but tooth trauma. There are two reasons for this, her anxiety and her stubborn teeth. Her teeth have been slow to fall out and hesitant to leave. Last year she had to get one pulled out that refused to fall out. So, she's already hyper sensitive to the issue.
I also never really thought about how much anxiety could be triggered by the process of losing teeth. And it sure has been a trigger for Brooke.
She's had a molar that has been holding on for weeks. Today it got to the point where it was hanging by a thread, minutes before she had to leave for practice. This created sheer panic. She couldn't go to practice with her tooth almost out and couldn't get the tooth out and only had minutes to figure it all out. Eventually she got to the point where she basically ripped it out of her mouth. That's a pretty big deal for a kid who so anxious about losing teeth. In this case, fear of missing practice was greater than her fear of losing a tooth.
she got it out in time and made it to practice literally with seconds to spare. When she got home I finally got a look at where she lost a tooth. You basically can't even tell, because the new tooth is around 90% grown in!