Wow its been quite a year. There is a lot of drama about the CPS return and most families opted not to return their kids to school. Ryan has 4 kids total in his "pod," out of a potential 15 (1/2 the class). He was so
nervous in his return, its foreign to him now. He has not set foot on campus since March 13, 2020. At that point we were told we'd be taking a 2-week break from school to help combat virus spread ... and here we are.
He had a great day, although he struggled with endurance. Over the last year he's been getting up whenever he wants, tuning out whenever he wants, snacking whenever he wants. Basically, doing whatever he wants, whenever he wants. So while he had fun, he admitted he was bored at times and felt pretty exhausted. Which just adds to our validation that returning is the right thing for him.