Height: 30 inches (97%)
According to What to Expect the First Year, at 9 months Luke..
should be able to
- work to get a toy that's out of reach X
- look for dropped object X
will probably be able to
- pull up to a standing position from sitting
- creep or crawl
- get into a sitting position from stomach
- object if you try to take a toy away I think he can, but he rarely object to anything!
- stand holding on to someone or something X
- pick up tiny object with any part of thumb and finger X
- say "mama" or "dada", indiscriminanately X
- play peekaboo X
may possibly be able to
- play patty-cake (clap hands) or wave bye-bye Clap, Wave, Wink, Blow Kisses
- walk holding on to furniture (cruise)
- understand "no" (but not always obey it) X I think so, he cries when I tell him not to bite me ;)
- "play ball" (roll ball back to you)
- drink from a cup independently X
- pick up a tiny object neatly with tips of thumb and forefinger X
- stand alone momentarily
- stand alone well
- say "dada" or "mama" discriminately
- say one word other than "mama" or "dada"
- respond to a one-step command with gestures ("Give that to me," said with hand out) X means Luke can do this at 9 months