Luke is a biter. He's been biting since he started getting his first top tooth, about a month ago Id guess. He's currently on the verge of getting his other top tooth, so I'm aware he's likely working out some pain.
However, it hurts!
I remember a long time ago you are are supposed to fake cry / tell baby "it hurts" (versus yelling, punishing, spanking, or whatever). The idea is that a baby is very perceptive to emotion, especially parent emotion, and they don't want us to be sad.
I tried tactic with one of the kids. I'm not sure which one, but I'm guessing looking back on the blog would tell. Whichever kiddo it was, they laughed. When I "cried" they laughed. Not very effective of a method.
I've been using it with Luke though. I say "ow! That hurts Mommy!" and make a sad face. He cries. A horrible, sad cry. Then I end up feeling bad :( So I get bit, then I'm the one feeling guilty. This method still doesn't seem to be effective. Hope this biting stage passes quickly!