Sibling rivalry is quite common. Kids often fight each other for attention, and research has suggested kids as young as 1 already notice when their sibling has "more" of something than they have themselves. We were fully prepared for some fighting, and occasionally they get into a scrap here and there over a toy ... but its pretty rare. What sparks rivalry between these two?
Well, who looks better in a particular accessory ... of course.
We have lots of runway showdowns, with the kids sporting hats or hair accessories. Ryans favorite accessory is an extension cord casually draped around his neck. Brooke tends to lean towards hair bows ... as many as she can get into her hair at one time. Ryan also has a love of the hair bow, but I'll save hims the future embarrassment by not posting pics of him in his sisters bows (though he looks ridiculously cute, I have to admit).
Most recently the two fawned over a pair of sunglasses in a local shop. They both pull them off pretty well, if you ask me ;)