
Thursday, July 31, 2008

Wondering What Your Baby Will Look Like?

Here is a cool website, MakeMeBabies that will create a picture of your future children. And in the event that you dont have a partner, or perhaps are a bit curious what your kids would look like with ... say Brad Pitt? You can do that too!

Men can put themselves together with a celebrity too. Though Miley Cyrus is an option, I would veer away from it. The girl is only 15 for goodness sake!

A Little Pregnancy Humor
Got this in an email from BabyCenter :)

Wednesday, July 30, 2008

Week 30

Didn't gain any weight this week, which I assume is due to a combination of the night sweats and nausea I have been experiencing in the past week (it certainly isnt due to the 3 packages of cookies Jeff and I polished off in the past few days). Another week has flown by and we still haven't done anything to prepare for this baby. Its starting to weigh a bit more on our minds and I think that you'll see some progress in the coming week(s). Instead of worrying about baby stuff, we have been more worried about our unfurnished house and other related problems. I assume this is still some sort of "nesting" instinct, though the existance of a living room couch isnt exactly going to matter when the baby arrives :)

The Baby @ 30 Weeks
Weight::2.91 lbs
Height::About 16 inches
While the physical appearance of Baby Schneider hasnt changed much in the past week, changes are still happening! The baby this week worked on producing new brain cells and red blood cells, according to What To Expect. Each of these developments are crucial to survival whenever the baby should decide its ready to join the "real world".

Babycenter mentions that Baby Schneider can follow a light source with his/her eyes. When born though, newborns only have the ability to focus on objects a few inches from their face. While “normal” adult vision is 20/20, a newborn’s vision is 20/400!

Me @ 30 Weeks talks about sciatica this week: pain, numbness, or tingling radiating from your buttock down your leg or in your hip that can be dull or stabbing, constant or intermittent, and generally makes you miserable. It happens around this time in pregnancy because the uterus presses down on your sciatic nerve. I have been lucky so far here, while I have experienced some discomfort and soreness, its nowhere near any sort of stabbing pain ;)

Babyzone talks more about the impact my changing body has on my life as bending over (i.e. to tie my shoes) becomes next to impossible. Thank goodness for the slip-on shoes! And as my organs become increasingly crowded things like heartburn and indigestion and difficulty breathing become more of an issue.

Several sites still talk about swelling, and the possibility that my feet may make a permanent movement to a larger shoe size. Currently at a size 10, with about 100 pairs of shoes in my closet, this is not acceptable. I won't have all those old shoes not fit, and I will not purchase new shoes that are bigger than a 10. If only one thing in my life works out in my favor, please let it be this!

The "reappearance" of mood swings is also commonly mentioned. I am pretty sure that mine never went away, so I assume I have not been acting any different. I am still crying at stupid movies and commercials ... and can feel a bit down at times when I think about all that this pregnancy entails (and that I still have 10 more weeks to go!) but as a whole think I am doing a good job of being sane and upbeat. Perhaps my friends, family and spouse may disagree and tell you that I am moody and/or crazy ... but I swear I am trying my best :)

Tuesday, July 29, 2008

Sleepless Night, Crunchy Yoga & Panic Attack

Its been a rough 12 hours or so. Lets start with last night:

I couldnt sleep. I was too hot, couldnt get comfortable, and kept thinking about window treatments (yes, what a waste, but I couldnt stop). We have an unfurnished house and a baby coming in about 2 months, and while I was sweating, tossing & turning last night all I could think about was the window treatments in two of our upstairs rooms. To make it even worse, one of the window treatments that had me so concerned was for a CLOSET WINDOW. I am losing it.

Then I wake up this morning and really didnt want to go to this yoga class. Its only 8 weeks or so and I already ditched one class (due to wierd arm pain) and wasnt going to miss another. So I head over there, and the only thing I got to exercise in my 60 minute class was my eardrums (listening to this lady drone on and on). Today she was back on her natural birth talk, specifically about water births. She also talked alot about how hospitals dont let you move, how birthing on your back is the worst position ever, etc. I think we did about 3 stretches in 60 minutes.

Onto the panic attack. Much of what she was talking about was the "pelvic floor". Pregnant women hear a lot about this: we are encouraged to do muscular exercises now in order to prevent injury during labor. In addition, many women experience damange/trauma during labor that is not always repairable. This conversation is not unusual to hear, so it was not one of the things I had a problem with her talking about. The problem was that she gave us some pictures (just sketches, not "real ones") and talked in detail about some different muscles. Thats not the problem either (it actually was quite informative). Here is the problem

I am squeamish. Not just a little ... the kind of sqeamish that makes you pass out at the sight of blood. And its a particular kind of squeamish - it has to be in a "real setting". I can handle most blood/gore in movies (though I dont appreciate it). (I assume this is because I know its not real). In grade school I passed out watching a movie in science class about a pancreas operation. In college I passed out when a kid sliced his finger open (I didnt even see it ... just knew it happened). One time I almost passed out reading a Stephen King novel on the train to work. And today I spent my entire yoga class trying not to pass out because the instructor was talking about the muscles involved and the delivery process. I saw a sketch of some muscles, and she was talking in general about these muscles during delivery, and I almost lost it.

I have had a long-term fear of delivery because of this factor. But I figured that almost all women go through it, its "natural", and everyone (generally) survives the ordeal. I havent really been thinking about the actual event and instead been focusing more on afterwards (how to get the baby to sleep, how to make sure both parents are involved, etc). Today I was forced to actually think about whats going to happen in about 10 weeks and I am freaked. What happens when the person delivering the baby cant keep conscious? I guess I have some questions for the next time I visit my doctor.

Ok, I have to go measure some windows :)

Thursday, July 24, 2008

PreNatal Massage

Today I went in for a prenatal massage. I was planning on doing one at some point, and after a few days of back pain thought it would be a good time to go. Though most of my problems have been with my back, the masseuse found the most problems with my hips. I think pregnancy is full of suprises, and that was just another one to add to the list :) She worked out some tight muscles easily and I was merrily on my way. Since then I have felt pretty good ... lets see how long the effects last. Obviously I cant get a massage every day, though wouldnt that be nice!

Tuesday, July 22, 2008

Week 29

Another week, another pound (um, or two), and some more pregnancy symptoms. This week I had some fun with leg cramps, lower back pain and some more nausea. I cant find anything "scientific" that talks about a resurgance of nausea in the third trimester, but when I look at message boards and forums there are tons of women who appear to be in the same boat. Who knows what the next few weeks will hold, but I think its likely to continue to become more challenging as Baby Schneider gets ready for the great arrival :)

The Baby @ 29 Weeks
Weight::At two pounds, 12 ounces
Height::15-17 inches
BabyZone says the baby continues to fill out but that the growth has begun to slow down. Between now and birth Baby Schneider will gain only about 4 more lbs.

What To Expect Space in your baby's living quarters is now at a premium, so you'll be feeling jabs and pokes from elbows and knees mostly. But those kicks will be more vigorous than before (and also less erratic) because your baby is stronger and excitedly responding to all sorts of stimuli — movement, sounds, light, and that candy bar you ate half an hour ago.

Me @ 29 Weeks
What To Expect talks about the wonderful varicose veins that strike 40% of pregnant women. They pop up because of the increased blood volume during pregnancy, because the growing uterus puts pressure on the pelvic veins, and because of the relaxation of the veins due to pregnancy hormones.

On a good note, the common swelling of the hands and feet has not (yet) hit me. I am taking this as a huge blessing and know that I am lucky in this area. Now if I can just keep the swelling at bay for a few more weeks :)

Double Doozie

In the past few weeks I have heard more about leg cramping during prenancy. I am familiar with the "Charley Horse" and used to get them all the time, but really havent had a problem with them in years. Due to my familiarity, I was quite happy to hear they are a common pregnancy complaint that I have not had to experience...until Sunday night that is.

Sunday night I had a nasty leg cramp in the middle of the night. In fact, it was so bad that today (Tuesday) my left calf still hurts. And thats not all - last night (Monday) I had one in the other leg. Now I am panicky ... if I got one each night and one in each leg, what happens tonight? Maybe that was just a freak occurance ... or perhaps my legs are going to take turns cramping each night for the next 11 or so weeks? (Lets hope it was the freak occurance option)

Cramping Causes offers a long list of reasons/causes for the "Charley Horse" including:
1)Lack of balance in electrolytes.
During hot weather, people may be more prone to them if they are not taking in adequate fluids.

2)Low levels of magnesium and calcium.
If you suffer from charley horses frequently, you may be able to relieve a charley horse or even prevent them by taking a magnesium and calcium supplement right before going to bed. If you get one in the middle of the night, try taking a magnesium/calcium supplement at that time. Drinking a glass of milk before bed can also help.

3)Potassium imbalance
If you combine your glass of milk at night with a banana, you’ll go a long way toward preventing these cramps.

4)Frequent crampers may have deficiencies of essential minerals or more serious health issues.
See your doctor for more ideas on treatment, or to look for potential causes. Occasionally, when no specific health cause is found, doctors may prescribe muscle relaxants or tranquilizers to relieve a charley horse that does not respond to the methods for relief suggested above.

Cramping Relief suggests that when a cramp strikes you should "straighten your leg and gently flex your foot, with toes pointed up and heel down, to stretch out your calf muscle. Don't point your toes--this usually makes the pain worse. Massage the muscle with long, firm strokes toward your foot. If you still feel sore, apply a heating pad or warm washcloth."

Cramping Prevention
To prevent these leg cramps in the first place, suggests that you "slowly flex and release your foot ten times before going to bed". For repeated or chronic leg cramps they suggest yo, wear support hose and avoid sitting or standing for long periods of time without a break.

Why Is It Called A "Charley Horse" Anyway?
Looks like the answer to this is up for debate. Wikipedia offers several theories:
  • American baseball slang of the 1880s, possibly from the pitcher Charlie "Old Hoss" Radbourn who is said to have suffered from cramps.
  • Another story mentions a horse named Charley that used to work at Comiskey Park, the Chicago White Sox's ballpark. In those days, an old, retired horse was often called "Charlie".
  • The term may also reference Charlie "Bucket" McCormick, who was said to wander the streets of Altoona in the late 1800s and massage the calf muscles of the horses who would deliver bushels of rye to local Shriners. The Shriners used this rye for bootleg whiskey, and so the horses needed to have strong calf muscles to outrun the tax collecting authorities.

Saturday, July 19, 2008

From Kicking to Poking

I had lunch with a friend yesterday who asked if I had felt actual hands/feet/elbows of the baby yet ... and I replied that I hadnt. I get kicked and punched all day (and all night) but my entire stomach just moves and pops, I cant tell if its actually a foot (kick) or hand (punch) and dont see or feel anything outside of the wind-up and the pop.

That was all true - until last night. In the past few days the kicks and punches have gotten stronger and also longer. Before at least I had some quiet times, now if feels like this baby never sleeps. When I was trying to sleep last night (which proved to be quite an unsuccessful event) the kicking and punching continued - it was hard and I put my hand between my stomach and the bed just to make sure that nothing busted out. I was trying to shield myself from the impact and instead felt something sharp run along my hand. So whether it was a hand or foot, elbow or knee, I still dont know - but it was more than the usual sensation. Some sort of digit or extremity was causing a ruckus and this time I actually could feel it.

So if I was having lunch with that same friend today, the answer to the question would be a completely different one :)

Thursday, July 17, 2008

Dr Appointments Galore

Today I had my 28-week doctor appointment. Things are looking good, nothing unusual. At each appointment I wait for them to tell me to stop eating so much or to get on a treadmill or elliptical, but so far so good :)

These appointments are quick and easy - they basically check my vitals, and the baby's vitals ... make sure nothing unusual is going on and send me on my way. It generally takes me longer to get there than I actually spend in the doctors office. But things are about to get a bit more hectic!

I have my next appointment at 32-weeks, but then it bumps up to every 2 weeks (I beleive at 34 and 36) and then every week from then on! I cant believe how much and how often I see the doctor :) Luckily I am a student and I teach classes, so my summer is automatically free ... but I cant imagine how difficult it has to be for most women who are working and trying to fit all of these appointments in. I complain because I have to leave my nice air-conditioned house to go to the doctor, but other than that I really never have to leave. I can hole up in this nice, cool, house for as long as I want.

My Next Appointment
My doctor and her partners are moving offices, and that transition is taking place between now and my next appointment. While I was waiting for her to come in today she was talking on the phone right outside of my office ... and she was MAJORLY TICKED. It appears that there are some issues with the records, and getting them transferred to the new office. Hopefully that gets settled by the time I have to waddle in for my 32-week appointment!

Starting with my next appointment, and for the next three appointments, I will be seeing a different doctor each time. Though my current doctor is still my "official doctor", we cannot guarantee that Baby Schneider is going to plan accordingly to her schedule. Thus, she is having me meet each of her partners over the coming weeks so that I am not shocked/uncomfortable/panicked in the event one of the other doctors is the one who performs at show-time.

Furniture Update

It took a couple of calls to get a response and I finally heard - my furniture is "expected in the warehouse" in the 2nd week of September. That means that would be 14 weeks (I was told 8-12). In addition, the warehouse isnt my house, so we still need to arrange delivery from the warehouse to the actual baby's room. The guy I spoke to on the phone also sounded a bit doubtful - like that 2nd week in September was more of a guesstimate than an actual expected arrival time :)

Luckily we plan to use a bassinet/cradle in the beginning and dont need a crib right away - but its going to stink not being able to get the room even a little bit set up in advance. Oh well! If thats the worst thing that happens to us I think I can manage.

Wednesday, July 16, 2008

Week 28

Still packing on the pounds as another week slips by - 12 more to go! With a weekend trip to NYC this whole week actually flew by, but as our weather seems to have hit a bit of a heat streak I think this week might be a struggle. The hotter it gets the more I sit inside, which can definitely get a wee bit boring :)

The Baby @ 28 Weeks
Height:14-16 inches long
Weight:2 1/2 pounds
The American Pregnancy Association talks a lot about the brain this week:
Your baby’s brain is really beginning to develop into a more complex organ. Up until this point, your baby’s brain has been relatively smooth, but beginning this week his/her brain will develop grooves and indentions along its surface. The amount of brain tissue also begins to increase during the 28th week.
...And also about hair development: eyebrows, eyelashes & top of the head!

BabyZone says that at some point during this week it was likely that the baby turned its head from side to side.

Me @ 28 Weeks
According to, "the glow of the second trimester is beginning to fizzle, and you're once again tired, tired, tired". People who write that stuff must think they are really funny. Considering I simply passed by the "glow" stage and am definitely back in the "tired" stage, this must be some sort of cruel joke.

They also say "You're getting bigger and have just about forgotten what it feels like to sleep through the night. Trips to the bathroom, kicks from the baby, cramping legs, and heartburn are all working against you." I am definitely getting bigger and tend to be uncomfortable most of the time, but lucky for me I am already an insomniac - so I am actually not sleeping any less than I used to. True, I never get a good nights sleep in the first place ... but on the other hand being uncomfortable and getting kicked all night doesnt affect my "normal" sleep pattern and I havent had to do a whole lot of adjusting ;)

Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Another Purchase: More Nursery Furniture

I mentioned I ordered the nursery furniture, and then found out the company went bankrupt. I actually put in a call to check on the status of my order and am expecting a return call - lets hope that turns out ok (fingers crossed!).

After my weekend trip and realization of the fact that I am actually having a baby, I have been even more productive. We got the stroller on Sunday and today ordered a rocking chair! Yay! We settled on the "Irvington" from the Best Chairs Storytime Series. After sitting in a bunch of them this was the most comfy, and we liked the wideness of it. It was actually a hard decision but with the fact that they will take 8-10 weeks we pretty much had to make a decision. So we did and its done :) Now lets hope Best Chairs doesnt go out of business or something!

Monday, July 14, 2008

BabyMoon = Baby Too Soon?

Over the weekend Jeff and I took a quick trip to NYC. One of our goals was to see a Broadway show, which was part of my birthday present. Our primary goal was to get away for the weekend and spend some time together before this baby comes and starts changing everything!

The trip went well, but I actually came home a bit more panicked and unsure. First of all, New York is a walking city. You walk a lot - and there is lots to do! As my body increasingly becomes more uncomfortable to operate in, its as if I am the pilot in some sort of space-ship ... unable to control some movements, and more importantly, unable to keep up with the "old me". I couldnt walk that far without getting tired or hot (usually both). I found my heart practically beating out of my chest several times and had to rest and try to calm down (thanks yoga-breathing!). I also had the urge to pee as soon as I got up from any sitting location, despite the fact that I usually went before I sat and after I got up. Having that sort of situation all weekend was challenging, and I had this sinking feeling that the pregnancy has officially taken over our lives - instead of me being in charge there is now this mysterious other being calling the shots.

During the show, the baby kicked the entire time. It was loud in the theatre (the show and audience combined) and as we went to see Young Frankenstein there was the added features of lightening flashes and lots of "booms". It was pretty obvious that the baby was aware of the strange goings-on and decided to let me know exactly how aware it was ... for about 2 hours straight.

Then heading home on the plane I had the realization that this was probably the last time Jeff and I would travel anywhere for quite a while. We definitely like to take trips and go on vacations, and now cannot anticipate what the future holds. Adding together the impact my pregnancy had on our trip and the realization that this was probably our last trip ... I started getting a bit panicky. This baby is coming sooner than we think, we arent ready, life is gonna change, etc. It was enough that I made Jeff stop so we could buy the car seat on our way home from the airport. At least now we can take the baby home...whenever it should decide to join us.

And as if I hadnt already started getting a bit freaked out, I arrived home to an email from a friend due July 20 - who welcomed her new daughter July 6. Two Weeks Early. They generally say first-time mothers dont deliver early, but if I were to follow in her shoes that gives us a measly 10 weeks to get the house and our heads ready for the new addition. Despite the fact that we have already had almost 28 weeks to prepare for the inevitable, this weekend really jolted me into the realization of whats to come. Since its a little too late to go back now, its time to face the music and get ready (for whatever may come) in the next couple of weeks!

Welcome Sienna Rose!
Born: July 6th at 6:47am
Weight: 6 lbs 15 oz
Height: 20.5 in

Thursday, July 10, 2008

Preparing Your Pet for Baby's Arrival

ePregnancy has an article that helps those with a fur-baby prepare if for the new Baby's Arrival. The tips they offer, all done in the months prior to brining baby home, are also posted below!

  • Take your pet to the veterinarian for a routine health exam and necessary vaccinations.
  • Spay or neuter your pet. Not only do sterilized pets typically have fewer health problems associated with their reproductive systems, but they are also calmer and less likely to bite.
  • Consult with a veterinarian and pediatrician if the thought of your newborn interacting with the family pet makes you uncomfortable. By working with these experts before your baby is born, you can resolve problems early and put your mind at ease.
  • Address any pet training and behavior problems. If your pet exhibits fear and anxiety, now is the time to get help from an animal behavior specialist.
  • If your pet's behavior includes gentle nibbling, pouncing, or swatting at you and others, redirect that behavior to appropriate objects.
  • Get your pet used to nail trims.
  • Train your pet to remain calmly on the floor beside you until you invite him on your lap, which will soon cradle a newborn.
  • Consider enrolling in a training class with your dog, and practice training techniques. Training allows you to safely and humanely control your dog's behavior and enhances the bond between you and your pet.
  • Encourage friends with infants to visit your home to accustom your pet to babies. Supervise all pet and infant interactions.
  • Accustom your pet to baby-related noises months before the baby is expected. For example, play recordings of a baby crying, turn on the mechanical infant swing, and use the rocking chair. Make these positive experiences for your pet by offering a treat or playtime.
  • To discourage your pet from jumping on the baby's crib and changing table, apply double-stick tape to the furniture.
  • If the baby's room will be off-limits to your pet, install a sturdy barrier such as a removable gate (available at pet or baby supply stores) or, for jumpers, even a screen door. Because these barriers still allow your pet to see and hear what's happening in the room, he'll feel less isolated from the family and more comfortable with the new baby noises.
  • Use a baby doll to help your pet get used to the real thing. Carry around a swaddled baby doll, take the doll in the stroller when you walk your dog, and use the doll to get your pet used to routine baby activities, such as bathing and diaper changing.
  • Talk to your pet about the baby, using the baby's name if you've selected one.
  • Sprinkle baby powder or baby oil on your skin so your pet becomes familiar with the new smells.
  • Finally, plan ahead to make sure your pet gets proper care while you're at the birthing center.

After the baby is born they suggest a few other tips:
From Chronicles of Parenthood
  • Before you bring your baby home from the hospital, have your partner or friend take home something with the baby's scent (such as a blanket) for your pet to investigate.
  • When you return from the hospital, your pet may be eager to greet you and receive your attention. Have someone else take the baby into another room while you give your pet a warm, but calm, welcome. Keep some treats handy so you can distract your pet.
  • After the initial greeting, you can bring your pet with you to sit next to the baby; reward your pet with treats for appropriate behavior. Remember, you want your pet to view associating with the baby as a positive experience. To prevent anxiety or injury, never force your pet to get near the baby, and always supervise any interaction.
  • Life will no doubt be hectic caring for your new baby, but try to maintain regular routines as much as possible to help your pet adjust. And be sure to spend one-on-one quality time with your pet each day -- it may help relax you, too. With proper training, supervision, and adjustments, you, your new baby, and your pet should be able to live together safely and happily as one (now larger) family.
Image courtesy of Dogs In The News

Wednesday, July 09, 2008

Week 27: Hello 3rd Trimester!

As of today I have completed my 27th week - which also was the last week of my 2nd trimester. That means tomorrow is day 1 of trimester #3! The Baby @ 27 Weeks
Weight: A bit over two pounds
Height: A little over nine and one-half inches (crown to rump), or 15 inches from head to toe!

Beginning at this stage they begin to measure the baby from head to toe versus crown to rump. Babyzone talks about the maturing of the baby's lungs and brain and added layers of fat that are continuing to form. Chances of survival continue to increase, though the baby could definitely still use some more weeks of growing. What to Expect talks about development in the baby's hearing and taste buds.

Me @ 27 Weeks says "if it seems like you're getting bigger by the minute, well, you are. In the third trimester you'll gain an average of 1 pound a week." Yeah, like that hasnt been happening for the past 15 weeks anyway :) What To Expect states that "nearly three-quarters of pregnant women start to experience mild swelling of the extremities about now, particularly of the feet and ankles (but also your hands, as you may have noticed when you last tried to take off your rings)".

Parenthood also notes that shortness of breath may be noticeable over the next few weeks as your expanding uterus is now pushes against your organs and decreases your lung capacity. I have definitely noticed this in the past few weeks - its hard to get a good breath in. I think that yoga really helps because we spend lots of time "making room" and doing breathing exercises. What I do need to do is practice more of this stuff at home versus just in class!

For week 27 Babyzone also talks about "growing pains": skin itching as it stretches, smaller stomach=smaller, but more frequent meals, heartburn and indigestion as your stomach is pushed up closer to your esophagus, and many trips to the bathroom as the added baby weight puts pressure on your bladder. Recently I have had to go to the bathroom every-time I move, and 3-5 times at night! How am I going to find time to get the normal things in life accomplished if I spend all of my time in the bathroom??

Tuesday, July 08, 2008

Mom & Baby Astrology has an astrology tool that matches your baby's sign to your own. Unless Baby Schneider comes REALLY early or late, it looks like it's gonna be a Libra (just like daddy).

What They Say About Baby Libra
"The Scales"
Sept. 23-Oct. 22
What a charmer you will bring into the world! Libras are blessed with grace and an inherent ability to captivate everyone around them. Give your social child ample opportunities to interact with peers, such as baby classes and playdates (she/he will be Ms./Mr. Popularity long before starting preschool). Consider throwing a big party for the first birthday -- Baby Schneider will likely get a kick out of getting dressed up and being doted on by loved ones. And bust a move together: Libras love music and dancing.

What they say about how well I will mesh with the future Libra:

Monday, July 07, 2008

10 Big Mistakes Parents Make

One of the things I am becoming more aware of is the short period of time between now and 10/8. I have heard many people mention that we get so wrapped up in our pregnancies (like what happens in the 27th week) that we dont pay attention to the parenting side of the whole thing. Before we know it we go from our happy, selfish lives to those of parents ... and have to figure out what to do with a newborn, then toddler, then teenager! I am trying to be more forward-thinking and have two books on sleeping, which seem to be the #1 issue new parents have with their newborns.

I saw this today and thought it might be blog-worthy, the 10 Big Mistakes Parents Make. The article lists the 10 Big Mistakes as:
1) Spoiling kids
2) Inadequate discipline
3) Failing to get involved at school
4) Praising mediocrity
5) Not giving kids enough responsibility
6) Not being a good spouse
7) Setting unreal expectations
8) Not teaching kids to fend for themselves
9) Pushing trends on kids
10)Not following through

Friday, July 04, 2008

Braxton Hicks: More of the Joys of Pregnancy

The past few days I havent been feeling so hot. I am getting tired pretty quickly, my legs and feet in particular. I also am much more aware of my protruding bump - it seems as if in the last week it has rounded a bit more and become more of an obstacle. Its funny how pregnancy seems to go through these spurts - one day things just seem ... well, different.

It appears that I have been experiencing braxton hicks contractions. While I wouldnt say they are painful, they certainly are not something I can just ignore either. My entire stomach will feel crampy and uncomfortable for a bit, then it goes away. And this whole process keeps coming and going.
According to the American Pregnancy Association, Braxton Hicks Contractions are:
- Irregular in intensity
- Infrequent
- Unpredictable
- Non-rhythmic
- More uncomfortable than painful
- They do not increase in intensity, or frequency
- They taper off and then disappear altogether

They are also the cause of many panicked rushes to the hospital resulting in a diagnosis of "false labor" :)

Future Athlete in Training
I also think the baby has been practicing a wind-up prior to kicking or punching me in the stomach. I can feel a strange something is going to pop or blow. As soon as I feel the sensation I look down and something will jut out of my stomach. Its almost as if this kid is laughing as it tries to torture me - giving me advance warning that its about to unleash its wrath :)

This is what I am picturing. I think its winding up, like the famouse crane kick from Karate Kid. Then it just lets it rip. For sure, the little one is strong ... and appears to be working on its karate kick!

More Shopping
Though I ordered my furniture (which reminds me I still have to call and make sure I am getting it due to the whole bankruptcy thing) we have yet to find a glider we like. Well, we like alot of them ... just not their prices. Today I went into two local stores: Bellini and Beautiful Beginnings. Beautiful Beginnings actually had a few gliders that I liked, so Jeff and I will have to go back and check them out. But even better, Bellini had a growth chart and wall lettering I liked! YAY!

Thursday, July 03, 2008

Shopping for baby stuff can be a bit complicated, knowing what to buy and when. But I thought the whole car-seat thing was easy...I am going to buy the #1 rated for safety by Consumer Reports. So I look at the report and its says Chicco KeyFit is #1, so I am done, right? Wrong.

There were a couple of times I was going to pick up the KeyFit, but decided to wait in case some sort of coupon or something came along. Good thing I waited because of course the one we are going to get was recalled :) Anyway, I think the problem is fixed and I am going to head out in the next few weeks and get it. One of the biggest concerns is installation - making sure its done right. I have a friend who got hers done at her local firestation, but had no clue where to go for mine. The hospital where we will be delivering offers private car-seat installation and instruction for $45, but then I cam across

The site allows you to search the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration's (NHTSA) listing of child passenger safety seat inspection locations. There is a huge list of places in the Chicagoland area that I can go, including some hospitals, firestations and police departments. Most of them require a 2-week or so advance appointment, so its a good thing to keep on the calendar. Anyway - this is the carseat and matching travel system from Chicco.

Wednesday, July 02, 2008

Week 26

As I was typing last week I knew this would happen, perhaps I even cursed myself. Though I didnt gain any weight last week, I gained 2lbs this week. Thats karma for you.

The Baby @ 26 Weeks
Height & Weight: About nine inches tall and two pounds
According to the Baby Center, this week my "baby-to-be" opened its eyes for the first time. What to Expect says that the baby's brain-wave activity is also kicking in at this stage in fetal development, which means that not only can it hear noises but can now also respond to them. Maybe this explains all of the bladder punching while I was at the movies last Friday :)

Me @ 26 Weeks
According to the Baby Center its not just the baby who is going through eye changes...I am too! Pregnant women retain fluid pretty much everywhere, which I was already aware of. But, what I didnt know is that fluid is even retained in your corneas (the outer parts of the eyes). The Mayo Clinic reports that your corneas may be up to three percent thicker, but the fluid within your eyes decreases around 10 percent. These changes in the eyes can cause one to experience blurred vision.

I guess I should have read this earlier, cuz I have definitely had some vision issues. I need to go to the eye doctor anyway (its on my to-do list, which in my head is about 10 pages long) but I was worried that my vision had gotten worse. Now I worry, if I go to the eye doctor now am I going to have a prescription that is altered due to this eye swelling? Hmmm....

Tuesday, July 01, 2008

Unwanted Advice

One common complaint of pregnancy is the plethora advice women receive, from family, friends, and even complete strangers. American Baby magazine has an article titled "Unwanted Advice & Other Pregnancy Dilemmas" that pointed out the 7 types of these "well-wishers" and how to respond (with dignity). I have yet to encounter most of these, and perhaps I never will! I dont know if I agree with their advice in all the cases, but its nice to have something out there trying to help us work around one of the occasionally uncomfortable aspects of pregnancy :)

1) The Know-It-All
What: Individuals who comment on your size, how much you eat, what you eat, etc.
Response: Smile. To the size comments says "My doctor thinks I am just the right size, thanks"

2) The Boss
What: When shoud you tell your boss?
Response: Not until well clear of first trimester
What: What if you dont plan to return to work?
Response: Dont say a thing it if there is even a tiny chance your will return - say nothing about your uncertainty

3) The Watchful Ones
What: People you try to get you to reveal you are pregnant before you are ready (e.g. notice you arent drinking at a function, want to go out for sushi)
Response: Suggest alternative meals, that your are watching your weight, etc. Order drinks in a wine glass to fool those watching.

4) The Bad-News Bunch
What: People who feel compelled to share their terrifying birth stories
Response: Three options are given - make a joke like "lalalala I cant hear you", be direct and say "horror stories arent helpful to me right now", or stun them by saying "enough about your delivery, tell me about the conception!"

5) The Belly-Gropers
What: People who feel free to reach out and touch your belly, unsolicited
Response: suggest that you get hungry eating for two and might bite off their hand at the wrist, or touch their belly in return

6) The Busy-Bodies
What: Invasive questions such as "are you having and epidural? do you know that puts your baby at risk?"
Response: There is no point engaging, just say "thanks for your input" and/or "we are comfortable with our choice"...then change the subject.

7) The Pop-Ins
What: Family/friends coming over for "quick visits" the minute you get home from the hospital
Response: Be proactive, leave a message on your machine saying the family is resting and will invite them over soon. Post pics on the web to help everyone who wants to see the baby.