After a pandemic-related hiatus, the kids were finally back in the store for our Christmas Eve tradition. This year they served hot chocolate and made caramels. Brooke always demonstrates so much interest in being a part of the process. She wants to learn and do all the things. Ryan tends to get bored quickly and shows very little interest. Luke also gets bored pretty fast ... but he was a big fan of making caramel chews this year. Maybe there is an interested kid behind that short attention-span mind.
We also resumed our Christmas Eve dinner at Koi. We don't eat out often these days, but this even warranted a celebration. Everyone had a blast. Our food was amazing, and it felt a little bit like some of our traditions are coming back. It was a good feeling.We did hit one small snag. The plan was to bake Santa some cookies, like we do almost every year. But, we got so caught up in returning to the store and our dinner that we totally forgot. We were really lucky that I had some random cookies in the pantry. Whew. Close one!