Weight: 27 lb 6.5 oz (95%)
Head: 47.3 cm (62%)
Measures taken at 15 mo checkup on 7/28/15
Luke does what a typical 15 month old boy does - causes trouble. He has an amazing sense of humor, and he's either laughing or making someone else laugh 90% of the time. The other 10% of the time is when the temper comes out. The little guy has a ridiculously short fuse.
He's determined. He insists on repeating the same dangerous feats over and over. The past couple of days have been 1) beelines for the fireplace in the living room 2) throwing himself on his bottom with a gigantic yell and 3) climbing up into a stroller we left in the front hallway and demanding to "go!"
There's one major difference between Luke and his siblings. He always has a partner. Brooke is there to laugh and sing with him. Together they read books, cuddle and giggle. Ryan? He and Luke fuel each others inner demon. We are in for a lot of trouble with these two.