
Tuesday, June 23, 2015

The Mosquito Bite

When picking cherries on Sunday, some kind people close to us were nice enough to call out and say the area had major poison ivy coverage.  So, we booked it. Unfortunately, Brooke has been worried about poison ivy for about 2 years now ... and the close encounter really set her off.

All day Sunday she kept crying and yelling about having poison ivy. She kept thinking she was itchy. I continually checked and saw nothing. On Monday she again told me she was itchy - up by her knee. This is unlikely to be poison ivy since (if she had contact) the ivy was by her ankles. However, I looked and it was a bit red. I let her know she has a mosquito bite. And it was like a bomb exploded.

We are now on day two of Mosquito Bite Drama Fest. She wrote a note and posted it to the door so her Dad would see it. She wrote a book about it. She woke up her Dad in the middle of the night last night to discuss it. She has been panicked about going outside in fear of another mosquito interaction.

Its gonna be a real, long, drama-filled summer!