The kids acted like crazy maniacs till 730, showing off their singing, dancing and racing skills for their Aunt (who, of course, was totally impressed). We got them into bed and hung out till about 9:30 before we decided to head into L&D. While the contractions were still coming, they just weren't that strong ... Yet we nervously drove in hoping it was time.
In L&D they basically said what we already knew. I didn't have a lot of progression and they weren't sure I was actually in labor yet. I sat being monitored for an hour and awaited word from my OB. The nurse came back and said "you have two options..."
My heart sank. I was sure those two options were 1) walk for two hours or 2) go home and come back later. I was wrong! My options were to 1) walk for two hours or 2) get admitted! After 38.5 long weeks I couldn't imagine waking another step - we chose to get admitted around 12:30.
The process was different, and slower, than our last two. First, the epidural hurt. A lot. Second, I had multiple instances of my blood pressure dropping during the process causing waves of nausea and a general sense of panic.
630AM: told "pretty soon"
730AM; OB and nurse switch shifts. They tried to wait but the baby was taking too long!
930AM: he's officially stalled , no progress since 630 (stuck at 7)
1045AM: getting impatient
1100AM: time to go ... But OB got called to deliver baby in another room because mom was "uncomfortable". Grrr!
1145AM: She's back! Thank goodness!
1200PM: Its go time,for real
At 12:15PM we finally got to meet our handsome little man!
And here he is!
Luke William Schneider
8lbs 6oz
21 inches