
Tuesday, January 15, 2013

Ryan's 1st Day Of School

Ryan has been building up for this day for a while. He understands school because he often drops off and/or picks up Brooke. He is psyched about getting his own backpack. So, this morning it was no surprise he was all smiles as we took Brooke to school ... And he got to wear his OWN backpack.

However, right after she walked into her classroom he began to whine "no school today!" He continued whining as we walked to the car, and eventually changed his tune when I told him he got snacks at school.

We got in the car with him smiling and singing "school today!". On the 15 minute drive he vacillated back and forth between eagerness and dread. I assumed there would be a sorrowful drop off.

I was wrong. He charged into his room and was a bit shy. A teacher called him over to an activity table and he walked away from be, barely saying goodbye.

I thought we were golden, but arrived to pick him up and found him crying in the arms of a teacher. She told me he had "1/2 a good day". Apparently the morning started of great. They went to their activity center for playtime and it was a bit overwhelming to him ... He basically cried the rest of the day :(. Luckily one classmate coincidentally brought favors for all the kids ... And Ryan came home with a cool Toy Story cup, pen and paper. These prizes made his last memory of the day really positive, and all he could talk about was his "Woody cup" for the rest of the evening.