
Thursday, April 05, 2012

Surgery Day

The morning of surgery Brooke was excited, thinking we had some big adventure planned. Mom & Dad were nervous and worked hard on keeping the positive vibe. We arrived at the hospital at 8:00AM for a 9:30AM procedure. After checking in, we were put into a pre-op room where we talked to a bunch of nurses and doctors who checked Brooke out, took some information, and worked hard to keep us calm. All of a sudden they told us they were ready and it was time to go - it was only 9:00AM! They might have been ready, but I thought I had another thirty minutes to hang out with my baby and get myself mentally prepared for the whole ordeal.

Dad got to go into the OR with Brooke (dressed in a head to foot white suit) to reassure here while the anestesiologist worked his magic. When he got back to me, we had about 45-60 minutes to wait until we got to see Brooke again.

It was the longest wait ever, but soon we were escorted back to recovery. Unfortunately, Brooke did not wake up well from sedation. She freaked, jumped out of the bed and clung to the nearest nurse for dear life. It took about an hour to calm her down, during which time she ripped out her IV and had to be held down by three nurses (in addition to Mom & Dad) to get it back in. While that was a horrible experience for us, she doesnt really seem to remember ... and the next few hours flew by.

Post Surgery

Brooke drank about 4 containers of apple juice and had two servings of soup broth. She actually didnt like the popsicle, jello, or ice cream ... the whole supposed perk of getting your tonsils out in the first place :) She was supposed to be in recovery for four hours, but because she was doing so great they let us go early. She was exhausted, but ready to go home.

On Our Way Home

At home she was ready to eat the ice-cream. Turns out she just wanted plain-old-vanilla. All the hospital stuff was to fancy for her ;)

Ice Cream Dinner