According to What to Expect the First Year, at 8 months Ryan...
should be able to
- bear some weight on legs when held upright X
- feed self a cracker X
- rake with fingers an object and pick it up in fist X
- turn in the direction of a voice X
- look for dropped object X
- pass a cube or other object from one hand to the other X
- stand holding on to someone or something X
- object if you try to take a toy away X
- work to get a toy that's out of reach X
- play peekaboo X
- get into a sitting position from stomach
- creep or crawl
- pull up to a standing position from sitting
- pick up tiny object with any part of thumb and finger X
- say "mama" or "dada", indiscriminanatelyX
- play patty-cake (clap hands) or wave bye-bye high five
- walk holding on to furniture (cruise)
- stand alone momentarily
- understand "no" (but not always obey it)
*Pic courtesy of Aunt Bonnie, who has a great eye and got Ryan looking quite handsome on the 4th of July