
Sunday, July 31, 2011

Sunday She Said

"Excuse me Mom"
(Mom moves out of the way)
"Good girl."


"You have to get some more hair Mama."


Brooke: I can't go to mine work!
Mom: Why not?
Brooke: There's lots of bees there.


Brooke: Who sings this song?
Mom: Katy Perry
Brooke: Ha ha! Thats a silly name!


Big Boy Car Seat

We finally moved Ryan to the big car seat, something I have been avoiding forever. Its not that I dont want him to grow up,it just the inconvenience of all of it. In his old carseat we could carry him in and out of the car actually already in the carseat. This is ideal for a baby that spends a lot of time sleeping. Now, when he falls asleep in the carseat (which he does almost every time he is in the car) I will have to either 1) wake him up or 2) take him out and pray that he continues to sleep while I race through the house and up two flights of stairs to sneak him into his crib. Its a tricky game, and one that I'm not sure I'm ready to play.

Either way, I bit the bullet. We put it in ... and he appears to hate it. The little guy is always happy in the car. He babbles to his toys or silently stares out of the window. Today he screamed, cried, and tried to jump out of his new seat. Finally, he seemed to give up. And he sat silent, with a death-stare, for the rest of the trip. He is not a happy camper.

Hopefully its just an adjustment period. We actually thought the new seat would make him happy ... but we might have just crossed a line that the little guy did not want us to cross ;)

Thursday, July 28, 2011

Uh Oh

And just in case you think it might be a fluke, he does it again

Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Monday, July 25, 2011

Fun At The Pool!

We were lucky enough to get invited to go with friends to the pool today ... and Brooke had a blast ... up until she went down a slide and went under water. But then, things were good again ... up until the point some kid squirted her right in the face with a squirt gun. She will survive her water mishaps, and I think the memory of today will be positive over all ;)

Ryan had a blast too, and was really excited about the water (which is not a surprise, given his crazy behavior in the bathtub). He played a lot and then got really tired and just wanted to watch the other kids play. Since I was holding him the whole time, I didnt get a pic of him in the water, but I did get a pic after he had lunch at the pool. You can tell he had a great time!

A Video Message

Sunday, July 24, 2011

Sunday She Said

Brooke: There is a bee in here!
Mom: How do you know it's a bee?
Brooke: It said "buzz"!
Mom: Bees aren't the only things that say buzz. Flies do too. It is probably a fly.
Brooke: I don't want to play with it!


"I went on a train last night with my best friend, Blueberry."


Brooke: I have a tunnel at my work.
Mom: You do?
Brooke: Um hmm ... (pause) for bears.

Saturday, July 23, 2011

Party Hats

We had some friends over to play today, and we had a special lunch. Can you guess what it was?

Friday, July 22, 2011

Thursday, July 21, 2011

Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Monday, July 18, 2011

On The Move

I wouldnt exactly say he's crawling, but he is definitely cruising around looking for some trouble.

Sunday, July 17, 2011

Sunday She Said

Pizza makes me tall.  I eat it at my work.


What's your favorite nothing?
What's your favorite polka dot?


Brooke points at a garbage can and says ...
"Mom, we not want to eat the garbage."


Mommy, I'm going to go to a Cubs game tomorrow!
By myself.


I'm gonna take a walk with a kangaroo. You get to come too.


Pre Tantrum Water Fun

Ok, she actually hasnt had a tantrum yet today ... But given the past 2 weeks I fully expect one at some point today and figured Id be proactive and appropriately title this post ;) Ryans taking a nap, so we are playing with the water table till he wakes up. We only have till about 1030am and then the yard is 100% sun, making Ryans naptime the best backyard playtime. It works nicely for everyone!

Funny thing. This post got held up on my mobile app ... and by the time I figured that out it was no longer accurate. She had thrown a tantrum. Two, in fact.

Saturday, July 16, 2011

Pre-Tantrum Dinner

If you are gonna throw a fit, it's good to fuel up before. It takes a lot of energy to throw all that stuff around (including your own wet diaper).

Friday, July 15, 2011

Pre Dinner Tantrum

Only a real diva can tantrum in a restaurant the way Brooke can.

Thursday, July 14, 2011


Yes, Ryan needs some new bibs. Luckily, he is secure enough in his manhood to wear his sisters hand-me-downs.


Monday, July 11, 2011

Sunday, July 10, 2011

Sunday She Said

Mommy: Do I have long, beautiful hair like Brooke?
Brooke: No, you have short hair like Daddy.


Mommy: Bye Brooke, have a good nap!
Brooke: Bye Dawn!


Mommy: Its time for bed. No more calling for Mommy.
Brooke: 5 more times calling Mommy.


"My work has a spaghetti kitty cat. It has spaghetti on it. You are gonna meet him tomorrow. Its really, really silly."


"I have a new friend coming over tomorrow. It's not a potato! It's not a mango! Its a white blueberry!"

Tuesday, July 05, 2011

Look Who Is Cruising Now!

Ryan is 8 Months Old

Weight: 22lbs

According to What to Expect the First Year, at 8 months Ryan...

should be able to
  • bear some weight on legs when held upright X
  • feed self a cracker X
  • rake with fingers an object and pick it up in fist X
  • turn in the direction of a voice X
  • look for dropped object X
will probably be able to
  • pass a cube or other object from one hand to the other X
  • stand holding on to someone or something X
  • object if you try to take a toy away X
  • work to get a toy that's out of reach X
  • play peekaboo X
  • get into a sitting position from stomach
may possibly be able to
  • creep or crawl
  • pull up to a standing position from sitting
  • pick up tiny object with any part of thumb and finger X
  • say "mama" or "dada", indiscriminanatelyX
may even be able to
  • play patty-cake (clap hands) or wave bye-bye high five
  • walk holding on to furniture (cruise)
  • stand alone momentarily
  • understand "no" (but not always obey it)
X means Ryan can do this at 8months

*Pic courtesy of Aunt Bonnie, who has a great eye and got Ryan looking quite handsome on the 4th of July

Sunday, July 03, 2011

More Ice Cream Tears

Brooke had her first ice cream cone. It went similar to the chocolate milkshake incident. She said she wanted a cone, we got her one. It was really tiny and we figured she could handle it. She didnt like how it dripped on her and it make her upset. We showed her how to lick all around it and she seemed to get the hang of it, so things were looking up. When she got to the cone we explained to her that she had to bite/eat it. She took a few bites and was doing ok. Then, when we werent looking, she bit the bottom of the cone. It started leaking. She got upset again. She cried that she didnt want a cone. She wanted a milkshake. We tried to act like an ice cream cone was the best thing in the world and tried to sell her on it. The tears stopped, but she was never really convinced.

Ryan is getting pretty used to all the drama :)

Sunday She Said

Brooke yawns
Mom: Brooke, are you tired?
Brooke: No. Im just hungry. Im so hungry I yawned.


Brooke: It was a pond!
Mom: I think it was a river.
Brooke: No, it was a circle. It was a pond. For ducks.


Brooke: Im going on an airplane by myself tomorrow!
Mom: Where are you going?
Brooke: On an adventure with Dora!
