
Sunday, June 05, 2011

Sunday She Said

Recently, Brooke refers to her "work" on a daily basis.  When she doesnt want to do something, or doesnt know how to explain something, her "work" comes into the picture.  Here are a few examples:

Mom: Let's change diapers
Brooke: I change diapers at my work

Mom: You need money to do that
Brooke: I have money at my work

"Work" is also a cool place where she is very grown-up and neat things happen:

"I have a sink at my work"
"I take a bath at my work"
"I put my shoes on myself at my work"

She also has a pretty strict boss.  She informs us all the time she has to "be at work in 5 minutes" or that she is "late for work".  Often she tells us this at 6 or 7 at night. 

Finally, I decided to get a better understanding of what she does at work.  She started talking about it tonight, and how she "does it at work with my friends".  This was the first time she mentioned friends and work in the same sentence, so I decided to snoop around.

Mom: Who are your friends at work?
Brooke: Kitties.
Mom: Kitties?  Anyone else?
Brooke: (Says or makes up some random words, which is also common)
Mom: Sounds like you work with animals.  Are you are vet at work?  An animal doctor?
Brooke: Yes.
Mom:  What do you think Mommy does at work?  What is Mommy's job?
Brooke: Taking care of Brookie.
Mom:  What is Daddy's job?
Brooke: Taking care of Mommy.

She is a pretty smart cookie.  I'm still not sure how I feel about my 2-year-old devoting so much time to her "work", but she seems to be handling the work-life balance quite well so I'll let it be for now ;)