
Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Two Naps?

Brooke went from 3 naps to 2 naps when she was about 6 months old. I decided to prepare Ryan for the transition by spacing out his naps a little. Right now he goes to sleep 2 hours after waking up, so I figured I'd add just 30 minutes and make it 2.5 hours. Books suggest that the first nap is the hardest to move, so I figured I would just push back the other two and leave nap 1 where it was :)

Yesterday he got up at 7 and went to bed at 9, he slept until 10. He went back down again at 12:30 and slept until 3! With a bedtime of about 6:30, there wasnt enough time to take another nap so I decided to just push him until 6:30 and see what happened. He ended up going to bed at 6:15 because he was so tired, but he made it.

Last night he was up at 12:30, 3:00, and 5. Sadly, this was a pretty good night for him. After he woke at 5, he was still sleeping at 7:40. I had to wake him up (which he deserves for all of the middle of the night wakeups he give me). So he was up at 7:40, and down at 9:30. He decided to take a short nap and was back up at 10:15. He went to bed at 1 and is still sleeping at 3.

I think the little guy just transitioned to two naps. How fantastic is it when life just works out like that? Now, back to getting him to sleep through the night ....