
Wednesday, January 05, 2011

Ryan Is 2 Months Old

Ryan has been amazing us lately with his smiles. He is a happy guy and loves to smile at all of his toys ... and occasionally for Mom and Dad. Today he flashed the sitter a gummy grin, and she was so smitten she had to snap a pic ;)

History Repeats Itself ...
Brooke spent a lot of time on her playmat before she was really mobile. She often had company.

Ryan loves the same playmat and spends lots of time on it as well. Similar to Brooke, he is rarely alone on the playmat. But ... the dog is not who he has to share with.

Ryan had his two month checkup (all is well!)
Height: 23.5 inches
Weight: 15.7 lbs
He is 75% for height and off the charts for weight.

Ryan had three shots and an oral vaccine. He was less than thrilled. The first shot he didnt bat an eye at, but the second two made him very angry. He screamed for a good five minutes. I put him into his carseat and he passed out. An hour later and he still sleeps, snoring away in his carseat.

Here is what I had to say about Brooke for her 2 month checkup:
2 Month Checkup
Height:24 1/8 inches
Weight:14 lbs 15 ounces
Brooke is a BIG baby - about the size of an average 6 month old ... but also a healthy baby :) She did great at the doctors office today and showed off her strong legs by kicking the doctor and scooting herself along the examining table when the doctor put her on her tummy. She also got a bunch of vaccines today: hepatitis B; polio; DTaP (diphtheria, tetanus, and pertussis); Hib, to protect against meningitis; pneumococcal, to protect against severe bacterial infections, ear infections, and meningitis; and rotavirus (given by mouth), to prevent stomach flu. Watching her get shots was not fun (I didnt even look actually) but she took it like a trooper. She cried for a bit (with real tears) but soon was comforted by mommy & with her pacifier. I popped her into her carseat to leave and she was asleep by the time we got to the car. Right now we are home and she is still in her carseat, snoring away.

Sound familiar?