
Sunday, October 31, 2010

Trick Or Treat

For the fourth (and final!) time in a few days, Brooke got to wear her Halloween costume ... this time for the real deal. We had swimming lessons in the AM, followed by lunch and nap, and then trick-or-treating time. Once again, Brooke was thrilled to put on her costume. It's a bit cool around here today, so we put a sweatshirt on under her costume and were ready to go! She got the hang of it pretty quickly, even picking out her own candy from neighbor's bowls. Pretty funny since she has never had any candy and had no clue what she was picking :) Her biggest issue was getting around (and up and down stairs) while simultaneously keeping her antenna on and pumpkin on her arm. She did her best and ended up with a pretty good stash.

We had a pretty successful Halloween experience. Four uses out of one costume in addition to some yummy treats. Next year I can guarantee she is gonna be a real trick-or-treating pro!