
Saturday, September 04, 2010

23 Months Old...

She is going on two years old now, and with that comes a few ups and downs. She is feisty and has some (okay, a lot of) trouble listening. She also can be extremely bossy and high-maintenance. But, she also is getting past that baby/toddler stage and starting to look like and act like a little kid. We have great conversations with her, she is starting to crack jokes, and is experimenting with her imagination.

Physically she keeps getting taller and looks more like she is going on three than two. She grows out of clothes and shoes faster than she can wear them out (which is pretty fast). And her hair is starting to get longer and fill in a bit more.

Brooke has had her hair cut several times (including a one-time screw up), so its not that her hair has only grown this much since birth ... but she still has lots of little baby hairs (notice the wispy bangs) underneath her big-girl-hair that has made it a bit of a challenge to get to the point where we can pull it back.

Add to the fact that it looks like she has her Mommy's baby-fine hair in general, and we have some hair that will not stay put or hold in a barrette or pony tail.

That being said, its a work in progress ... but she is finally getting close to pigtails ;)