
Wednesday, March 24, 2010

18 Month Checkup

Brooke went in a little early for her 18 Month checkup. This is because the Doctors office, at 12 months, told me she didnt have to come back until 18 months ... which was wrong. She was supposed to go in at 15 months and was behind on some immunizations.

Anyway, we went in for her checkup. They did height, weight and head size. Checked her verbal and motor development. Gave her a couple of shots. All and all it was a good visit.

Height: 34 1/4 inches
Weight: 29.1 lbs

The doctor and I talked a lot about her size. Luckily she is 95% for both height and weight, so although she is pretty big for her age, she is proportional. Yet, there can be issues with a toddler being at such a high end of the weight spectrum. He told me that her weight is something we need to monitor over the next two visits (she will go again in 3 months, and again at age 2). We need to make sure she doesnt become disproportional in weight - where her weight percentile is above her height percentile. He also made sure she wasnt as big as she is because we give her junk food ;) I assured him that Brooke is given a healthy diet and simply just eats a lot!

Toddlers should have whole milk until age 2, but the doctor suggested I go to 2% at 21 months. The whole milk is important because babies need the fat and calories to sustain their rapid growth and brain development. Brooke is obviously sustaining her growth quite well and as this growth slows these extra calories could be an issue for a little one tipping the charts ;)

So, we continue our current routine. She eats a lot, but we try to make sure everything she eats has nutritional value. Despite her current stance against vegetables, we attempt to feed them to her as often as we can. We know someday we will have a healthy eater on our hands if we keep encouraging her!