
Tuesday, March 30, 2010

61 Degrees!

We are at the park ;)

Saturday, March 27, 2010

Easter Brunch

In the Easter spirit, we spent Saturday morning with the Doleski family at the local Easter brunch. Brooke got to see her friends, Paige & Evan, but more importantly ... the Easter Bunny! Its been a few months since Santa, so we figured she might be a bit better with costumed characters. Still, she doesnt tend to react well (initially) to a new situation and has a bit of a fear of strangers and new people. To our surprise, she was enthralled with the Easter Bunny. She held his hand and walked around with him, followed him everywhere, and cried each time we tried to drag her away! I've never seen her so excited about something ;)

When she got close to the Easter Bunny, she generally just stood there and waved at him. Sometimes silently, sometimes repeating "Hi Hi Hi Hi" over and over.

She decided to sit on the floor (for who knows what reason) and the bunny was so smitten with her that he got on the floor too :)

And finally, she climbed into the bunnys arms and I got a pic of her on his lap!

Thursday, March 25, 2010

Easter Egg Hunt

Brooke went (with her friend Connelly) to the local park district Easter Egg hunt this morning. Despite the fact that its supposedly Spring - it was NASTY out. Cold and windy! Brooke didnt seem to notice as she ran around the field testing out her ability to handle the terrain. She picked up an egg or two, but didnt find them too appealing. Instead she decided just to run around the fenced-in area. Connelly must have picked up every egg in the place ... and then threw them as far as she could (guess there is a reason they dont use real eggs for those hunts).

It was a great outing and Brooke went home with 3 Easter Eggs!

Wednesday, March 24, 2010

18 Month Checkup

Brooke went in a little early for her 18 Month checkup. This is because the Doctors office, at 12 months, told me she didnt have to come back until 18 months ... which was wrong. She was supposed to go in at 15 months and was behind on some immunizations.

Anyway, we went in for her checkup. They did height, weight and head size. Checked her verbal and motor development. Gave her a couple of shots. All and all it was a good visit.

Height: 34 1/4 inches
Weight: 29.1 lbs

The doctor and I talked a lot about her size. Luckily she is 95% for both height and weight, so although she is pretty big for her age, she is proportional. Yet, there can be issues with a toddler being at such a high end of the weight spectrum. He told me that her weight is something we need to monitor over the next two visits (she will go again in 3 months, and again at age 2). We need to make sure she doesnt become disproportional in weight - where her weight percentile is above her height percentile. He also made sure she wasnt as big as she is because we give her junk food ;) I assured him that Brooke is given a healthy diet and simply just eats a lot!

Toddlers should have whole milk until age 2, but the doctor suggested I go to 2% at 21 months. The whole milk is important because babies need the fat and calories to sustain their rapid growth and brain development. Brooke is obviously sustaining her growth quite well and as this growth slows these extra calories could be an issue for a little one tipping the charts ;)

So, we continue our current routine. She eats a lot, but we try to make sure everything she eats has nutritional value. Despite her current stance against vegetables, we attempt to feed them to her as often as we can. We know someday we will have a healthy eater on our hands if we keep encouraging her!

Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Little Parrot

Brooke says a lot of words. She knows what the majority of them mean,
but will also repeat us randomly with words she must like the sound of.

This morning we were on a walk and another guy with a stroller passed
us going the other way.

"Morning" he said to me

"Morning" I replied

"meme" Brooke chirped in

Monday, March 22, 2010

Stacking & Sorting

I feel guilty I haven't posted in a bit. It's not that new stuff
isn't happening ... Exact opposite actually! Brooke does something to
amaze or surprise us on a daily basis. I can't even keep up!

Her newest fascination is with little figures. She has her Little
People, but also a whole collection of toys made for the bath that
instead spend their time on dry land. She always has 2-3 figures with
her, usually one in each hand and one in her mouth. She likes to put
them into things, like baskets, cups, drawers, and cabinets. (daddy
once found a Little Person in his shoe). She also likes to line them
up in various places.

Today she was quiet for a bit and I peeped around the corner to see
what she was up to. She had turned 3 buckets upside down and was
putting the dinosaur and duck on top of different ones. Too cute ;)

Friday, March 12, 2010

On Route To Harvard

Brooke was accepted into preschool for the fall today! She will be going two mornings a week and is very excited. This is just the first step on the way to her future ivy-league education (unless she goes pro in soccer first, of course).

Now I have a few months to get her to stop trying to place herself into the Little People playsets. Um, I also have to get her to stop pushing kids off the stairs for the slide. I'm thinking those might be no-no's :)

This morning she filled the bathtub in the little people house with raisins. At least she didnt try to get INTO the bathtub herself. I think we might be heading in the right direction...

Wednesday, March 10, 2010

60 Degrees!

After the Little People incidents, I could tell the long winter was
really getting to us both. After nap we head out in the stroller ...
Without coats!!! It's 60! Horray!!!

Little People Confusion

Brooke has two Little People sets, a Farm (which she got from Uncle Brad for Christmas) And a house, which was supposed to come from Santa, but due to the farm she didnt get it until a few months later :) She plays with both of them every day, and loves them. Up until yesterday there hasnt been a single incident.

There is a feature on the farm in which Brooke can shoot the animals and farmer down a slide. Here is an example of the farmer going down the slide. Brooke loves to send things down the slide. And yesterday she decided that she too, should go down the slide. She attempted to sit on the slide, while yelling "wheeee!!!". She did this a few times until she realized she wasnt going anywhere, and then she got angry and Mommy had to distract her with another toy.

Today, another issue. She got on her stomach and tried to slide herself into the first floor of the house. When this didnt work, she again got very angry. I tried to distract her but it wasnt happening. Then, she got up and sat on the tiny lip of the 2nd floor of the house. She was actually quite happy with this for a moment. I believe she thought she was "in" the house. Then she decided it was time to get on top of the house and Mommy had to step in.

How do you explain to a toddler that the places her Little People live and play are not ones that she also can enter? Poor little girl ;)

Monday, March 08, 2010

Sesame Seed Baby: 5 Weeks: FATIGUE

I've decided to start creating some posts, though they wont be viewable to the blogosphere until we announce our new addition to family and friends. I started blogging about my pregnancy with Brooke at about 23-24 weeks into it, so I'm getting an earlier jump on it this time around.

Today I'm officially 5 weeks along with Brooke's future Brother or Sister. She obviously has no clue whats in store, and honestly, I dont think Mommy and Daddy do either. As for the pregnancy, I think its much the same as it was round 1 with Brooke. I'm nauseated, but not severely. Just a bit of a pukey feeling in the back of my throat. The pregnancy development timeline suggests that nausea might start now, but is more likely in the coming weeks. I'm hoping that its not any worse than last time and that having some nausea at 5 weeks isnt a bad sign.

My biggest issues is that I'm so tired. I remember being pregnant with Brooke and falling asleep at my desk at work, but I dont know when that was. I think it was during the first trimester, so again, this isnt off base. The issue is that when I was pregnant the first time it was just me. Now its me and Brooke. And, I think she is trying to give me a hard time. She has started waking up at 6:30 instead of 7:00. And she has been having some nap issues. Generally I could count on a 2 hour nap from her, maybe even 3 hours on a big day. But lately she is sleeping 1.5 hours or less. I'm trying to squeeze dissertation work in during her naps, but there is an issue. The naps are getting shorter and I'm falling asleep at my laptop. Things are getting complicated :)

A couple of cups of coffee would get me over this hump, but of course, too much caffeine is a no-no. I essentially cut out the majority of my caffeine intake, but do get a 1/2 decaf latte every once-in-a-while. I did it during my entire pregnancy with Brooke and it was often one of the few small perks of my pregnancy-life I was able to enjoy.

November Baby Development @ 5 Weeks
According to the development timeline, the future Baby Schneider is the size of a sesame seed. How can something so tiny make me so tired? Its pretty amazing, and also a little irritating, all at the same time :) And how could a sesame seed make me eat 8 chocolate chip cookies? Because, I couldnt have done that on my own...

Eating Lunch

I realized I haven't posted in a while. Not much going on here, so
here is a pic of her eating her 2nd lunch. (its her 2nd because she
rejected the first one I gave her ... At least the dog appreciated it).

Brooke has been waking up earlier and that stinks for both of us. Me,
because that means that I'M also getting up earlier. Her, because she
is already bored of being trapped in the house and now has an
additional 30 minutes in each day to suffer from stir craziness.

On a developmental note, she says about 50 words ... Including Aunt
Jean's name which she said last night (and promptly used her name to
boss her around and tell her where to sit).

Monday, March 01, 2010

17 Months

I'm backdating this post. I'm actually doing it on 3/3 but posting it for 3/1 which was the day Brooke actually turned 17months. I'm doing this because we just got her height and weight ;)

Height: 32.5 inches
Weight: 29 lbs

According to the "Baby Growth Percentile Calculator", her height is "between percentile 75 and 90" and weight is "above percentile 95".

As for development, Brooke has become quite the climber lately. Most of this I blame on myself. She was actually behind a lot of other kids her age in the gross motor skills area and so we took two classes that focused on movement. While she is still a bit clumsy, she has mastered quite a few new skills. She is still not 100% sure of herself when getting onto the couch, but is getting better. She has also realized she can climb up on the baby gates (though she has never attempted to climb in her crib, which is a really common act for her age). She has been working hard on trying to jump, and while the idea is there she still needs a bit more practice. Nevertheless, she enjoys yelling "jump" as she hops around the house, and we enjoy watching her ;)