
Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Nap Trouble

Brooke hasnt been herself lately, but seems a bit better as of yesterday. We still dont know what it is/was, but I am ruling out teething. The fact that she is doing better but yet still hasn't had new teeth come in is a pretty good sign something else is/was up. For sure she now has a cold - runny nose and a horrible cough. She is a little trooper but still seems to get hit with a lot of stuff :(

Since whatever-she-has-or-had started she has been irritable and also very tired. We started putting her down for two naps again, to try to help her mood during the day, make up for the restless nights, and give us a little bit of a break! Yesterday she seemed like she was feeling better and last night she slept a little better, so I figured we better go back down to one nap.

Today she didnt wake up until 7:30 (usual is about 6:45 or 7:00) but was rubbing her eyes by 9:30. I knew I was in trouble. I tried to keep her entertained and busy, but her mood increasingly grew to be more feisty. She starting throwing herself on the floor and writhing around anytime I told her no (yes, we now do temper-tantrums, though the are yet to be common). She would start crying about nothing. I put up with her (and she with me) for as long as I could. We had an early lunch and she was in bed by 12:00, versus her usual 1:30 naptime. I'm hoping she quickly jumps back into her one-nap routine as easily as she did initially, but I think it might take us a couple of days :)