
Friday, August 21, 2009

Your family dog may be smarter than your toddler

According to this article, the average dog has the intelligence (and reasoning) of a 2-year-old. The smartest dogs (aka "super breeds") are on par with a 2 1/2 year old. And what exactly is a super breed? Border Collies, Poodles, Retrievers (that's what Wrigley is), German Shepherds and Doberman Pinschers are some of the dogs that are ranked higest on the intelligence scale.

How dare they compare dogs and babies????? So you are saying that our dog (a Retriever) is as more than twice as smart as our (soon-to-be) 1-year-old daughter? There is no way! I am insulted! Brooke is obviously extremely intelligent and should never be compared to a dog (let alone pale in comparison to the intelligence of one). These two things obviously do not have anything in common ... and this video clearly proves that point.
Whoops. Maybe not.