
Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Study: Away-facing strollers stress babies

My sister sent me this article and I thought it was pretty interesting. Turns out, facing your baby away from you in his/her stroller can add to a babies stress ... and stressed out babies grow into anxious adults.

Brooke always faces us now in her stroller, which is pretty common with infant stroller set-ups. The next stage strollers pretty much all face out, in fact I'm not sure I have ever seen a rear facing one.

The study is done by a Dundee University's School of Psychology with 2,722 parents and children. While the study is interesting, I tend to not always believe studies out of the UK. European countries have different guidelines and principles for their research and (in my opinion) often come out with slanted research. This does raise an interesting issue though and should be something that researchers (and stroller manufacturers) continue to look at. Even now, at 7-weeks, Brooke actually prefers to face out when I am holding her (versus facing towards me). She is interested in the world and things going around her ... not in me :) But I can see how a child facing out in a stroller can basically go ignored for the entire duration of the time spent in that stroller, whereas when the child faces the person pushing the stroller there is a natural level of interaction that occurs.

Now the question is, if away-facing strollers cause stress in babies ... is the same true for pets?