
Tuesday, February 26, 2013

Amazing Language Skills, Poor Topic Choices

Ryan is speaking in larger sentences than most teenagers do. However, his conversation points tend to be a bit on the oversharing side.

Today I asked him how school was and he informed me:
"My teacher changed my poopie diaper"

That's a six word sentence. Sources vary as to hoe many words are typical, but one thing is for sure, a 2 year old speaking 6 letter sentences is not typical. One says "An average 2-year-old's average utterance length is 1.91 words, while most 36-month-olds speak in sentences averaging 3.16 words in length. By age 4, preschoolers speak about 4.5 words per sentence -- just a little below the average sentence length of older children and adults."

While all this is quite amazing, I'm wondering why a kid who speaks like a kindergartener is still making "poopie diapers" in the first place ;)

And, this comment is still much preferable to the even longer sentence he uttered shortly after this one:

"Never gonna 'I love you' ever again"

Sunday, February 17, 2013

Sunday She Said / He Said

Ryan: "No Mommy sing it!!"


Mommy: You're a stinker

Ryan: You stinker

Mommy: I'm not a stinker, I'm a Princess

Ryan: Brookie a Princess.

Mommy: I want to be a Princess. What is Mommy?

Ryan: You not anything.


Brooke: When we grow up we are going to leave you.

Mommy: You are going to leave me?

Brooke: We have to go to our own Doctors Offices.

Mommy: Can I visit you?

Brooke: Yeah. We can have sleepovers.

Currently, Brooke & Ryan are both going to be doctors when they grow up


Sledding ... At the Dunes

Wednesday, February 13, 2013

Bleach Baths?

Brooke went in for a visit with her Asthma and Allergy doctor for a checkup ... and some allergy testing. She had testing when she was little that all came up negative, but it was suggested that we repeat the testing now that she's a bit older. The testing itself was not fun for Brooke, but all the tests came up negative. While its good news, it definitely surprised the doctor. I think the was assuming (hoping?) that an allergy would explain some of Brooke's current issues ... now we are back to square one.

One of the reasons Brooke went in was also to get some help with her eczema. This winter has been a bit rough on her and she's been pretty uncomfortable. She also is pretty sensitive to lotions and has complained that most of what I try to use to treat her skin actually burns ... so we are running out of options. The doctor gave us a prescription, suggested a new lotion, and also told me to give her bleach baths. I looked at her like she was crazy, and she let me know that they were exactly what the sound like. I am supposed to bathe Brooke in bleach.

I went out an got regular bleach, but I'm apprehensive to do this. It sounds crazy. However, some internet searching suggests its really common - and effective. TIME even did an article on it ;) There is a whole website dedicated to bleach baths, including a how to. The doctor assured me it was safe, even for Ryan who doesnt have any skin issues. However, Ryan's tendency to drink the bath water suggests that these baths are something Brooke will likely get to do alone ...

Tuesday, February 05, 2013

Pacifier Free ... I Think

Saturday night I put Ryan to bed and handed him his pacifier. He handed it back and said "it's cut". I told him that it was broken, and asked if he wanted it. He said no! Before he could reconsider I ran out of his room, and he drifted off to sleep without any crying. The next night I put him to bed and neither of us even mentioned the pacifier, and that worked again last night.

We cut the tip off of his pacifier one month ago. I figured he was going to chew on that stub of plastic for the rest of his life, but then suddenly it seems he just gave up. Well, that's what I thought happened. This morning he woke up and called for me. I went into his room, he greeted me with a smile, and then started panicking and searching his crib yelling "My binky! My binky!". I told him it was gone and switched the subject to Dora the Explorer. He quickly forgot, but I'm not so sure the topic wont come up again.

Essentially, I think, perhaps, possibly, we have finally given up the pacifier. Maybe.

Protesting Through Song

Ryan seems to have picked up a few cues from his sister, who currently communicates almost everything by singing. This AM as we drove to school, he sat in the back and played games on my iPhone. While playing those games, he also continually sang "No go school". It was lot better to hear this happier version of a protest than the screaming and crying protests I've had to endure the past couple of trips to school, so I was optimistic.

We pulled up to school and had to wait to get a parking spot. He cheered, "My school!". He talked about the "parking lot" and started counting cars. He noticed a car pulling out and informed me that there was a spot available. As I pulled in, he again informed me "no school" in a slightly less happy tone. However, it was a fairly weak protest and I (again) took it as a good sign.

We got into his classroom and his teachers greeted him. He ducked his head and hid into my shoulder, but soon picked it back up. He was smiling! We washed hands and he gave another little protest. The teacher asked if he wanted to build a tower, he grabbed her hand and took off. Success!