
Saturday, July 28, 2012


Both kids are currently obsessed with Legos. I'd say 80% of their playtime is spent with Legos. This is a great thing, in that (when working correctly) its a quiet activity that both kids can participate in both independently and jointly. However, there have been many wars and battles fueled by Legos.

They were both fighting over specific blocks, so I bought another set. They're still fighting. Ryan tends to want to destroy what Brooke builds, and Brooke likes to take what she wants right out of his hands whenever she deems it necessary.

Brooke will get really into building something, and demand all the Lego people, or all the green blocks, or all the windows ... Etc. Ryan doesn't understand why she needs the pieces he already was playing with.

Brooke also gets very possessive of her projects, and often doesn't want her brother within a 10 foot radius. Both kids hurry to finish every meal to get back to the "blocks" (as Ryan calls them). Not for the love of building, but for the race to protect his/her own stockpile and current construction project.

So, when they're both playing quietly, it awesome. When they're playing together and cooperating, it's honestly one of the joys one gets to experience as a parent. But for those Lego Wars (which seem to erupt often) I have the urge to take all of those little plastic pieces and chuck them out the window. But before I can start packing them all up, a truce is called and everyone is happily creating once again.

Sunday, July 22, 2012

Sunday She Said

Overheard Brooke and Ryan playing

"Get in the car, we are going to the breakables store!"


Brooke watching the British Open

"Horray! He's gonna get it in the hole!"


Brooke: Where does Aunt Jean live?

Mom: She lives close to us, she lives in the city.

Brooke: But why does she live in Starbucks?

Blueberry Picking

The recent heat wave broke (temporarily) and we thought it was best to try to get out and do an activity (versus are more typical lounge-like-lifestyle) this weekend. Due to some issues with early warming and the more recent heat and drought, the seasons on the local fruit crops has been tampered with. Many of the blueberry farms are already ending their season (many weeks early) and most are not offering U-Pick this summer. Luckily, one or two of them are, and we decided to give Jones Berry Farm a try.

Brooke is already an expert in blueberries, as she refuses to eat any blueberry that is not rich in color and large in size. So, we gave her a bucket and set her to work. She really needed no introduction.

She was quick to give Ryan tips, who actually didnt need much instruction either.  He insisted on carrying his own bucket and started picking immediately.  First, he was picking everything.  We needed to tell him "no green ones" maybe once or twice, he got it.  After that, it was nothing but blue in the bucket.

 At first, Ryan spent a great deal of time picking and placing blueberries into the bucket.

Then, I decided to get him to try one.  That might have been a mistake.  From that point on, not a single berry went into his bucket.

Eventually, picking them off the tree was too consuming.  He sat down and started eating out of his bucket.  Luckily, I anticipated this coming and moved 90% of the berries from his bucket into Brooke's bucket.

Soon, he missed the fun of picking and went back to the trees. This time though, he ate the berries straight off the tree ... essentially a direct tree to mouth transaction.


We came home with many less berries than anticipated. Picking is time consuming, but Ryan honestly ate a good 2 cups of berries, maybe more. We didnt intend on having a lot, but didnt plan on so few either ;)

Brooke and I decided to make a blueberry crumble. She enjoyed making it, and waiting for it to finish ... but neither kid liked how it tasted. Oh well, Mom & Dad each had two big bowls, Brooke had plain ice-cream, and Ryan just hung out and watched (someday the kid has got to realize the joy of ice-cream, right?)

Monday, July 16, 2012

Of Course, Its Roseola

About two weeks ago Ryan had another outbreak of Hand, Foot & Mouth. It was pretty mild, likely because his last case was also mild. Brooke got lucky this time around, and the doctor suggested because she had it pretty bad just a few months ago her body was strong enough to fight it off again. Big surprise, because I dont think Brooke has ever passed on a nasty virus!

So this past weekend Ryan was in a horrible mood. Combined with pretty high fever, but not many other symptoms, I was a little worried. Then, his body broke out in the tell-tale rash I witnessed on Brooke as a baby ... Roseola. It figures the guy would get Roseola about two weeks after Hand, Foot & Mouth. No wonder he's such a pain lately :)

Lets hope we are done with the viral infections for the rest of the year. We have all had enough!

Sunday, July 15, 2012

Sunday She Said

We are the yuckiest persons!


Daddy: Do you know what game this is?

Brooke: antennas!

(it was tennis)


Points to pinecone

"A porcupine!"


RanDom Lady: What's your brothers name?

Brooke: Baby Ryan

Friday, July 06, 2012

Self Portraits - Ryan Style

Ryan wanted to take self portraits too. I flipped the screen so he could see himself and pushed the button for him ... The faces were all his idea ;)

Brooke's most recent self portrait session.  She just can't stop taking pics of herself!

Monday, July 02, 2012


Brooke is gaining confidence in the water, she gets a little better each day. Ryan prefers to sit on the side and just play with the water, but occasionally enters for a little swim.