
Tuesday, December 29, 2009

Monday, December 28, 2009


Brooke has been doing so many new things that I cannot keep up. She says so many new words that I cant even keep track of them all. But, there are a few things she is doing that deserve a mention :)

- Brooke has been turning off the lights in our family room (so it is dark) and then pointing to the lit Christmas tree ... saying "woah". She also points to the tree every morning and insists I turn it on. She is going to really miss it when we take it down!

- She has been really into dancing and has found some new moves. These include: spinning, arm flapping, bouncing, something similar to the running-man with fast feet movement, butt shaking, belly wiggling, and squatting. Often these moves are performed in combination.

- She has recently discovered two things: her tiptoes and her tongue. She now does much of her walking on her tiptoes, and 50% of the time she is simultaneously poking her tongue out. Its pretty hard to look at her seriously now.

- She has started saying "bite" a lot, for "take a bite". She began this when she was asking me for whole/big pieces of food she could bite herself versus me breaking up into little pieces. For some reason, "bite" became another word for something like hungry or more. She will interchange "more" and "bite" when she is asking for food. BUT, she has added the movement of her hand to her mouth when she says "bite". Nobody taught her this, but I guess she just wants to be really clear that she wants to put some food into her mouth :)

- Similar to the last item, she has begun to use the word "more" for things other than food. Today she did it twice. First, I was dancing with her to a silly song. The song stopped, she looked at me and said "more". So, we continued to dance until Mommy got really tired. Later, Daddy was tickling her and blowing on her belly and feet. Every time he stopped she would look at him (very seriously) and say "more". Guess she hasnt learned that you are supposed to say "no more" to tickling!

- Stacking and Iserting: Brooke is really into stacking things on top of each other, and placing objects inside one another. Whenever she has two objects, she will try to balance them on top of each other and/or place one inside the other. This also includes herself - as she trys to place herself into every box and basket in the house. This new interest is pretty common with her age, and we are helping build her skills with some new lego blocks. It only took her a day to figure out their purpose and she spends a lot of her time now trying to get them to connect together (although she spends more of her lego time dumping all of the blocks out of the bag onto the floor, and then picking them up and putting them back into the bag).

New Words:
waddle (what a penguin does)
Baa (previously forgotten)
Elmo (thought it was a fluke, but she definitely says it)
Hi (previously forgotten)

Friday, December 25, 2009


Season's Greetings!

Merry Christmas

Brooke is really enjoying her long car ride to Great Grandmas house.

We Survived ...

On the way home from Great Grandmas. Now, let's just hope she stays
like this for the next 1.5 hrs in the car ;)

It was a hard day for all, even Uncle Brad couldn't stay awake in the car.

Tuesday, December 22, 2009

Winter Fun

We have had a bit of snow around here and today out sitter took Brooke
out to do some exploring (while mom & dad checked out a movie). She
snaped this pic, and it was too cute not too share!

Monday, December 21, 2009

First Haircut Celebration!

Mommy & Daddy are out to lunch with Brooke after she got her very
first haircut (just shy if 15 months old)!

Thursday, December 17, 2009

Pink Pancakes

I never got to update on my final attempt at the Deceptively Delicious cookbook. I gave pancakes another try, even though sweet potato pancakes didnt work out. Brooke will generally eat pancakes and I know if I can figure out the right way to pump them up with something she would eat it. What exactly is the best thing to throw into a pancake, I am not too sure ... but this one made me curious because it included pureed beets.

Brooke has never had a beet, in fact, I dont think I have ever had a beet either ;) The process was a strange one, starting with a nasty looking pancake batter.

I'm not sure this picture does it justice, but the batter truly was a hot pink. Which looked even more interesting as I cooked the batter.

The pancakes though, ended up looking pretty good. Not as good as the ones in the picture, but when does anything look like it does in the cookbook? I'm guessing ... never.

I tried the pancake out the first time when we were out to dinner. She is generally better behaved and more willing to try new things when we are in public or with other people. In this case, both were true (we were with other people, in public). I handed her some pancake and she handed it right back to me. No luck.

I figured she was a little distracted, so I tried it again the next day. She is very into "taking a bite" lately. She wants to be handed a big item that she can take bites of, versus me handing her already cut-up pieces. I figured it was worth a shot and handed her a whole pancake.

She was pretty excited about her whole pancake and kept looking at me saying "bite?". I told her she could take a bite and she gave it a whirl.

She ate it! There was more mangling than eating, but overall the beet-puree pancake was a hit!

Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Reading at Starbucks

... And flirting with the men in the chairs next to us ;)

Everyone MUST acknowledge Brooke!

Sunday, December 13, 2009

Brooke's Christmas Wish List: UPDATED

I have been asked by quite a few people what Brooke needs/wants/would like for Christmas. Seeing as she is only 14.5 months old, there arent a whole lot of things she needs that mommy and daddy dont cover ;) As for her interests and likes, it is tough. Her attention span is shorter than anything I have ever seen. She likes something for a minute and then doesnt like it any more. But there are a few things she values: food, music, lights. Its tough to give a toddler food ... so I would go with something that is noisy and has flashing lights in general.

There are a few things that are always useful:

-CLOTHES (she is approaching the tail end of 18M size clothes and doesnt own a whole lot in the next size - 24M or 2T. She isnt there yet, so these clothes would be late winter and early spring)

-BOOKS (Brooke loves books. We cant have too many of them. She still needs the ones with hard pages, aka "board books", because in addition to reading them she also likes to eat them).

There are also a couple of toys that she has really enjoyed at her friends houses that she does not have at home.


Doesnt matter what kind, she is starting to like putting objects inside other objects, so we think she is ready for shape sorting ;) If you dont know what a shape sorter is, here are a few examples:

Melissa & Doug make nice ones, but there are others out there. Brooke has cardboard ones but she eats them and SITS ON THEM. They arent going to survive her rough handling. Brooke needs some made out of a better material so she cant destroy them (at least, not so fast)

Updated: 12/16 at 5:15pm!

Wednesday, December 09, 2009

Glutton For Punishment

Ok, I tried another recipe. I was trying to allow some error to the recipies due to Brooke's picky tastes. Maybe she didnt like the "buttered noodles" because she didnt like the shape, or maybe the taste. She eats macaroni & cheese that I prepare (with added calliflower), so I figured that I would try the Deceptively Delicious mac & cheese. I used elbow noodles just like she is used to. The difference between my mac and cheese and this one is that 1) this one is home-made, not from a box and 2) it has butternut squash versus caulliflower.

So I chopped up the squash (which was a pain)

And steamed and pureed it in the Babycook (which was easy)

After mixing all the ingredients together I had a very cheesy macaroni and cheese. It was so thick and heavy, it practically warped the spatula. But, since I'm used to the cheap box kind, maybe I'm just not familiar with the "good stuff".

I gave it a taste and thought it was ok. Honestly, the box stuff is better. But ... it wasnt up to me. It was up to the tiny food critic.
She inspected it.

It must have looked ok because she decided to give it a try.
Many items never even enter her mouth, they go straight to the dog.
This was a good sign.

or maybe not...

And to prove how poorly I learn a lesson, I have one more recipe we are going to try tonight. This one has pureed beets in it. Yum.

Monday, December 07, 2009

YoBaby 3 in 1 Meals

Brooke has recently been giving us a hard time at mealtime. She isnt eating a lot of her regular items and has been throwing (or on nice days, politely handing back) her food. Erica, over at But Mommy, is having a YoBaby giveaway that has introduced me to a new product.

Despite her new fussiness, there are a few things we can guarantee she will eat. YoBaby yogurt is at the top of the list. It was one of her first foods (they make a plain vanilla version that it hard to find, but was great for early solid introductions) and still a regular on the menu. I'm not sure how much yogurt you can give a toddler, but she sometimes gets it for two meals a day :( I buy the stuff on a weekly basis and make sure there is always one in the fridge. In the event she declines her meal (aka whips-it-at-mommy) I offer up a yogurt.

There is a new product called "3 in 1 Meals" that combine yogurt, fruit and veggies. A pretty crucial element we are missing (hence, the Deceptively Delicious cookbook). Of course, I entered the giveaway. But more importantly, I'm gonna need to get out there and hunt for this stuff. I'm not sure we have it locally yet, because I'm pretty sure I would have snatched it up already!


We had planned to take Brooke to visit Santa at a local shop after her nap. She went down a bit late, and slept for a while, so we were cutting it close. When she woke up from her nap she was cranky (I guess babies are like adults in that they occasionally "get up on the wrong side of the bed"). As we walked to see Santa we couldn't get her to crack a smile. She had an irritated look on her face and was pouting the whole way.

We got there to find a bit of a crowd (guess we werent the only ones sneaking in at the end) and thought about skipping it. Why push her when she was already in a bad mood? After some conversation we decided to give it a try anyway.

We waited in line for less than 10 minutes. Brooke was checking out the other kids and the decorations, but still no smile. Finally she could see Santa. She glanced his way but really didnt seem to care ... until it was her turn.

Brooke freaked out before she even got onto his lap, and did her best to try to jump off of it the few seconds she was there.

Nothing was going to make it better. Not even Mommy could fix it. You can even tell from Santas face in the pictures he was a bit irritated. I bet all Santas wonder why the heck parents would be cruel enough to bring their little ones (who dont even know who he is) out just to torture them. I'm not sure as a parent I even understand it myself, but it just seems like some sort of ritual each child must go through in life. And we gather photographic evidence for proof.

So we grabbed Brooke, who shot Santa one last horrified look, and carried her out of the store still screaming. In the end, it was fun for all. Let the Holidays begin!

Sunday, December 06, 2009

Strike Three Jessica Seinfeld!

Yesterday I made the Mozzarella Sticks from Deceptively Delicious.

Issue One:
They came out looking like this...

Issue Two:
Brooke's reaction...

I honestly thought these would work. She eats soy nuggets, so the breading is not unusual. She also loves cheese. I can sneak some veggies into a grilled cheese sandwich, so what is the big deal? Honestly? I dont know! She is very perceptive and very picky about her food :(

We are going to give them another whirl tonight with dinner, but I'm not feeling very optimistic about it...

Friday, December 04, 2009

Jessica Seinfeld - You Are 1 for 3

A friend lent me a cookbook by Jessica Seinfeld (wife to Jerry Seinfeld) called "Deceptively Delicious". The point of each recipe is to sneak some sort of veggie of fruit puree into a recipe and get your kids to eat it.

First thing I tried was her "Buttered Noodles" which include yellow squash. Brooke likes yellow squash so I thought it might be an easy sell. Not so much. She ate two pieces and whipped the rest on the floor. I had the sitter try to feed it to her for lunch yesterday and the result was the same.

Next I tried the sweet potato pancake recipe. Brooke loves pancakes. But with these, she actually tried to stick her hand down her throat to try and throw back up the little that she actually did consume.

This morning we had "Green Eggs", which have a spinach puree.

Success! She ate them! Yay!

I'm not sure if one out of three is a very good ratio. I have one or two others I plan to try - including a mac & cheese recipe and one for mozzarella sticks. We will see how that goes...

Tuesday, December 01, 2009

14 Months...

Today Brooke is 14-months-old and I figured I should give some updates!


She is feeling better, but still has some signs/symptoms. She has a cough, but its not all of the time. She goes through periods where she sounds like she has a rough time breathing. She seems to be feeling pretty good though, running around and causing trouble as usual. I just have to remind her now and then that she isnt 100% and she needs to take it easy ;)


All of the developmental emails I get talk about "toddler tantrums". There is a reason for this. Brooke has been slowly developing the art of the tantrum and getting quite good at it. Thrashing, pounding, crying, and hitting herself on the head. Whatever works at the moment. Right now the only solution is distraction, and we are lucky that this specific toddler has an attention span of about 2 seconds. She is quite easily distracted.


Brooke has always been very vocal. She sings, yells, squeaks, babbles, and talks. No matter what she likes to be heard ... all of the time. She has developed quite a vocabulary and I figured I should take a second to note her words. There are three categories: words she uses all the time, words she has used but might be a fluke, and words she seems to have forgotton ;)

Common Words
Note: Not all of these words sounds as they are written, but they are instead what she is intending to say!
Roar (what a lion, tiger, dinosaur and zebra say)
"Brrrrrrr" (buzzing lips is what an elephant says)
OooohOoooh(monkey says)
Bop (this is what you say when you intentionally hit an object on your head)
Rock (what you say when you are rocking on a chair)

Possible Flukes:

Forgotten Words:
Gobble (what a turkey says)
Baa (what a sheep says)

Words She Made Up:
Na Na = Milk (though she can say plenty of "m" words, she has decided that milk is called "na na". we have no clue why)

Book: Go, Dog. Go!

Song: Theme song to Go, Diego, Go!

Food: Raspberries

Toy: Gloworm

Word: Its a tie between "bye" and "ball"

Character: Moose A. Moose (from nick jr.)


Occasionally Brooke takes a breather from the terrorizing and
tinkering to be a little bit calmer and relaxed. There are few things
that provide us these peaceful moments, but when we do find her the be
the quieter version of herself it's often because she has her nose
burried in a book.

Here she is, taking a moment to wind down with a good book :)